
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2020

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/QzAqOJC3dH

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/QzAqOJC3dH — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 31, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 31, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/jnyE095vSd

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/jnyE095vSd — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 31, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 31, 2020 at 02:49PM

RT @GEHealthcare: Dr. Romain Pirracchio of European Georges Pompidou Hospital, Paris has witnessed how AI can be used to predict outcomes, ultimately ensuring patient success stories are widespread and his time, amongst others, is utilized in the most efficient manner. https://t.co/T57T0c7M6e 2/2 https://t.co/5A96XmFS7H

Dr. Romain Pirracchio of European Georges Pompidou Hospital, Paris has witnessed how AI can be used to predict outcomes, ultimately ensuring patient success stories are widespread and his time, amongst others, is utilized in the most efficient manner. https://t.co/T57T0c7M6e 2/2 pic.twitter.com/5A96XmFS7H — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) July 28, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 31, 2020 at 12:54PM

RT @GEHealthcare: In an ICU, every second counts but large quantities of data can make the task almost impossible for the human brain. 1/2

In an ICU, every second counts but large quantities of data can make the task almost impossible for the human brain. 1/2 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) July 28, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 31, 2020 at 11:01AM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/EiJrlAfLeO

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/EiJrlAfLeO — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 31, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 31, 2020 at 08:14AM

RT @SAEM_tw: Actualización Virtual en el Tratamiento de la Diabetes via @@SAEM_tw https://t.co/DiYqn0u012 Del Martes 1 de setiembre al 6 de octubre de 2020 #SAEM #diabetes #insulina #cursos #CursosOnline @SAEM_tw https://t.co/cGYN1Qz7U0

Actualización Virtual en el Tratamiento de la Diabetes via @ @SAEM_tw https://t.co/DiYqn0u012 Del Martes 1 de setiembre al 6 de octubre de 2020 #SAEM #diabetes #insulina #cursos #CursosOnline @SAEM_tw pic.twitter.com/cGYN1Qz7U0 — Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo (@SAEM_tw) July 30, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 30, 2020 at 05:22PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/qWWy3PbQsh

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/qWWy3PbQsh — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 30, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 30, 2020 at 02:48PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ZES4r51OBv

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ZES4r51OBv — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 30, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 30, 2020 at 12:54PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/InSrE7sDjC

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/InSrE7sDjC — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 30, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 30, 2020 at 11:01AM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/07x5lopzNv

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/07x5lopzNv — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 30, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 30, 2020 at 08:14AM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Some degree of bone loss may be inevitable, but this process can be slowed down with dietary changes, regular exercise, and other measures. https://t.co/TuFkEQlNbB

Some degree of bone loss may be inevitable, but this process can be slowed down with dietary changes, regular exercise, and other measures. https://t.co/TuFkEQlNbB — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 28, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 29, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @BeamMedLTD: Portable Bone Density Assessment Solutions | Beammed – The only hand-held portable bone density screening solution for clinics and home visits. The device is ultra-small in size and weight and intuitive ease of use makes... https://t.co/frMNnDL0YV https://t.co/hcC0jMXuyZ

Portable Bone Density Assessment Solutions | Beammed – The only hand-held portable bone density screening solution for clinics and home visits. The device is ultra-small in size and weight and intuitive ease of use makes... https://t.co/frMNnDL0YV pic.twitter.com/hcC0jMXuyZ — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) July 29, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 29, 2020 at 12:53PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/niIJpkf9vB

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/niIJpkf9vB — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 29, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 29, 2020 at 11:01AM
Mira videos como este en nuestro canal de YouTube. Canal: Osteomedical TV.

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1M11exMP7k

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1M11exMP7k — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 29, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 29, 2020 at 08:13AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Defs8IVZtd

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Defs8IVZtd — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 28, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 28, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/8rEdTXeeB6

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/8rEdTXeeB6 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 28, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 28, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @SAEM_tw: Uso de estatinas en tiempos de Covid-19 https://t.co/piRqreb6mi a través de @YouTube La #endocrinología en tiempos del #COVIDー19 Suscríbase a nuestro canal en Youtube https://t.co/2H3EzQEvHW @SAEM_tw

Uso de estatinas en tiempos de Covid-19 https://t.co/piRqreb6mi a través de @YouTube La #endocrinología en tiempos del #COVIDー19 Suscríbase a nuestro canal en Youtube https://t.co/2H3EzQEvHW @SAEM_tw — Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo (@SAEM_tw) July 27, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 27, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/K392sxN0OA

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/K392sxN0OA — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 27, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 27, 2020 at 02:48PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/zXjJxiV8Jv

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/zXjJxiV8Jv — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 27, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 27, 2020 at 12:53PM

RT @ASBMR: A Signature of Circulating miRNAs Associated With Fibrous Dysplasia of #Bone: the mirDys Study #JBMR https://t.co/nwcZnBdXKN https://t.co/cWPSSxrElX

A Signature of Circulating miRNAs Associated With Fibrous Dysplasia of #Bone : the mirDys Study #JBMR https://t.co/nwcZnBdXKN pic.twitter.com/cWPSSxrElX — ASBMR (@ASBMR) July 26, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 27, 2020 at 11:01AM
Mira videos como este en nuestro canal de YouTube. Canal: Osteomedical TV.

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/5ycSamHFCs

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/5ycSamHFCs — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 27, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 27, 2020 at 08:13AM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/8Q2RvWfmRo

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/8Q2RvWfmRo — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 24, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 24, 2020 at 05:24PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/6NIzEP8YQE

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/6NIzEP8YQE — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 24, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 24, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @ASBMR: Cast your vote for the next slate of ASBMR leaders! All current members received an email inviting them to cast their electronic ballot. Be sure to cast your vote for our next President-Elect and members of Council. The deadline to cast your vote is 11:59PM EDT, August 13 #ASBMR https://t.co/7U4mW6HetV

Cast your vote for the next slate of ASBMR leaders! All current members received an email inviting them to cast their electronic ballot. Be sure to cast your vote for our next President-Elect and members of Council. The deadline to cast your vote is 11:59PM EDT, August 13 #ASBMR pic.twitter.com/7U4mW6HetV — ASBMR (@ASBMR) July 24, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 24, 2020 at 12:54PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/HPihwgThpw

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/HPihwgThpw — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 24, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 24, 2020 at 11:00AM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: The American Bone Health Signature Summer Program offers virtual interactive programs to create a personal roadmap for your bone health. Topics include osteoporosis, exercise & bone health, and eating for healthy bones, always followed by a live Q&A. https://t.co/8OphFqp3ne

The American Bone Health Signature Summer Program offers virtual interactive programs to create a personal roadmap for your bone health. Topics include osteoporosis, exercise & bone health, and eating for healthy bones, always followed by a live Q&A. https://t.co/8OphFqp3ne — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 23, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 24, 2020 at 08:14AM

RT @iofbonehealth: Did you miss our July 3rd #webinar ‘Challenges of managing patients with #osteoporosis during and after the #Covid19 pandemic in #Europe“ ? You can now view the recording & download slides here https://t.co/yHUM3Uy2Vq https://t.co/ILDRNA0jYy

Did you miss our July 3rd #webinar ‘Challenges of managing patients with #osteoporosis during and after the #Covid19 pandemic in #Europe “ ? You can now view the recording & download slides here https://t.co/yHUM3Uy2Vq pic.twitter.com/ILDRNA0jYy — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) July 22, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 23, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @GEHealthcare: These unsung heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic are shipped from Helsinki to 140 countries worldwide. @MikeyKayNYC investigates how Mia Kekki streamlined her production line of patient care monitors to ensure that critical global demand was met. #GEfortheFrontlines #MikeyKayseason2 https://t.co/K6RHLRB3BL

These unsung heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic are shipped from Helsinki to 140 countries worldwide. @MikeyKayNYC investigates how Mia Kekki streamlined her production line of patient care monitors to ensure that critical global demand was met. #GEfortheFrontlines #MikeyKayseason2 pic.twitter.com/K6RHLRB3BL — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) July 21, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 23, 2020 at 12:53PM

RT @SAEM_tw: Recomendaciones del Departamento de Endocrinología Infanto-Juvenil https://t.co/u2zYe6agiz a través de @YouTube La #endocrinología en tiempos del #COVIDー19 Suscríbase a nuestro canal en Youtube https://t.co/2H3EzQEvHW @SAEM_tw

Recomendaciones del Departamento de Endocrinología Infanto-Juvenil https://t.co/u2zYe6agiz a través de @YouTube La #endocrinología en tiempos del #COVIDー19 Suscríbase a nuestro canal en Youtube https://t.co/2H3EzQEvHW @SAEM_tw — Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo (@SAEM_tw) July 22, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 23, 2020 at 08:13AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/inS9Y96HJ7

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/inS9Y96HJ7 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 22, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 22, 2020 at 05:23PM

RT @GEHealthcare: “Throughout this pandemic, I’m focused on what’s best for patients. Wearing PPE is one way I can help protect them.” In moments that matter, our employees give it their all. #GEProud

“Throughout this pandemic, I’m focused on what’s best for patients. Wearing PPE is one way I can help protect them.” In moments that matter, our employees give it their all. #GEProud — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) July 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 22, 2020 at 02:49PM

RT @ASBMR: Depo Provera may Worsen Tenofovir-Related Bone Loss in Young Women #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews https://t.co/KMrJ1VWUWG

Depo Provera may Worsen Tenofovir-Related Bone Loss in Young Women #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews https://t.co/KMrJ1VWUWG — ASBMR (@ASBMR) July 22, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 22, 2020 at 11:00AM
Imágenes extraordinarias. Ecógrafosespecializados. Soluciones innovadoras. Todos los equipos de ecografía por ultrasonidos de GE Healthcare están diseñados pensando en usted, en su especialidad y en sus pacientes. Usted se dedica a ofrecer la mejor atención a sus pacientes. Nuestro compromiso es proporcionarle la tecnología que le ayude a alcanzar la excelencia cada día. #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @BeamMedLTD: Hedis OMW | Reaching 5 Stars Hedis OMW Has Never Been Easier | Beammed – Learn more about effective screening tools for osteoporosis which helps to improve Hedis measures. Reaching 5-stars for Hedis OMW has never been easier. Fill out the form ... https://t.co/y2R8qy2hgY https://t.co/YAHAIsX4nC

Hedis OMW | Reaching 5 Stars Hedis OMW Has Never Been Easier | Beammed – Learn more about effective screening tools for osteoporosis which helps to improve Hedis measures. Reaching 5-stars for Hedis OMW has never been easier. Fill out the form ... https://t.co/y2R8qy2hgY pic.twitter.com/YAHAIsX4nC — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) July 22, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 22, 2020 at 08:13AM

RT @BeamMedLTD: Portable Bone Density Assessment Solutions | Beammed – Looking for portable bone density assessment solutions? Beammed develops, manufacture and market monitoring solutions for bone density assessments. Call today at... https://t.co/OBsFB9h9oL https://t.co/i2LhlMacL3

Portable Bone Density Assessment Solutions | Beammed – Looking for portable bone density assessment solutions? Beammed develops, manufacture and market monitoring solutions for bone density assessments. Call today at... https://t.co/OBsFB9h9oL pic.twitter.com/i2LhlMacL3 — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) July 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 21, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/vcouwbVyyE

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/vcouwbVyyE — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 21, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 21, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @iofbonehealth: Countdown! Only 1 month until the start of the virtual WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020 #OsteoCongress. Participate in an extensive program of live & pre-recorded sessions available for 3 months post-congress. Register at https://t.co/q3l8O7FDas https://t.co/xkUDV84P0J

Countdown! Only 1 month until the start of the virtual WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020 #OsteoCongress . Participate in an extensive program of live & pre-recorded sessions available for 3 months post-congress. Register at https://t.co/q3l8O7FDas pic.twitter.com/xkUDV84P0J — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) July 21, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 21, 2020 at 12:53PM

RT @iofbonehealth: Take a look at our new Educational Hub! Whether you’re looking for #policy audits, facts sheets, reports or educational slide kits and #webinars, you’ll find a wealth of free IOF resources on #osteoporosis #bonehealth & #fracture prevention. https://t.co/awUIkNVeSv https://t.co/E1WK5IZNko

Take a look at our new Educational Hub! Whether you’re looking for #policy audits, facts sheets, reports or educational slide kits and #webinars , you’ll find a wealth of free IOF resources on #osteoporosis #bonehealth & #fracture prevention. https://t.co/awUIkNVeSv pic.twitter.com/E1WK5IZNko — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) July 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 21, 2020 at 11:01AM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/eJBdA2IliT

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/eJBdA2IliT — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 20, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 20, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @ASBMR: Regular Supplementation With Resveratrol Improves Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized, Placebo‐Controlled Trial #JBMR https://t.co/hP251HPB8Z https://t.co/4CtXAyszza

Regular Supplementation With Resveratrol Improves Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized, Placebo‐Controlled Trial #JBMR https://t.co/hP251HPB8Z pic.twitter.com/4CtXAyszza — ASBMR (@ASBMR) July 19, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 20, 2020 at 12:53PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/qRL9DRcpVs

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/qRL9DRcpVs — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 20, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 20, 2020 at 11:00AM
Imágenes extraordinarias. Ecógrafosespecializados. Soluciones innovadoras. Todos los equipos de ecografía por ultrasonidos de GE Healthcare están diseñados pensando en usted, en su especialidad y en sus pacientes. Usted se dedica a ofrecer la mejor atención a sus pacientes. Nuestro compromiso es proporcionarle la tecnología que le ayude a alcanzar la excelencia cada día. #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @ASBMR: The ASBMR 2020 Annual Meeting will be virtual this year – come join leaders in the bone, mineral, and musculoskeletal fields for a mix of live and on-demand content! Mark your calendars for September 11-15 #ASBMR2020 https://t.co/V2tlYlfFBT https://t.co/bnsgwrRJum

The ASBMR 2020 Annual Meeting will be virtual this year – come join leaders in the bone, mineral, and musculoskeletal fields for a mix of live and on-demand content! Mark your calendars for September 11-15 #ASBMR2020 https://t.co/V2tlYlfFBT pic.twitter.com/bnsgwrRJum — ASBMR (@ASBMR) July 19, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 20, 2020 at 08:13AM
enCORE Las nuevas herramientas disponibles con el software de enCore permiten mejorar la calidad de sus pruebas clínicas y aumentar su productividad. www.osteomedical.com.ar #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medic
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/y9XTgdRAtx

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/y9XTgdRAtx — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 17, 2020 at 05:23PM

RT @iofbonehealth: Last call - the IOF webinar 'Should we reconsider primary prevention of #osteoporosis in light of recent evidence?’ begins in 1 hour - you can still register! https://t.co/lkpmW3stRk https://t.co/ZuC8SHTcqk

Last call - the IOF webinar 'Should we reconsider primary prevention of #osteoporosis in light of recent evidence?’ begins in 1 hour - you can still register! https://t.co/lkpmW3stRk https://t.co/ZuC8SHTcqk — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) July 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 17, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @GEHealthcare: Is elevated troponin still a reliable biomarker in the COVID-19 era? Now, with the known cardiac effects of COVID-19, there is more empirical evidence to suggest it isn't as effective of a barometer for ACS as was once believed. https://t.co/Y0psA3sgdJ #cardiotwitter https://t.co/KAHTLSeOGh

Is elevated troponin still a reliable biomarker in the COVID-19 era? Now, with the known cardiac effects of COVID-19, there is more empirical evidence to suggest it isn't as effective of a barometer for ACS as was once believed. https://t.co/Y0psA3sgdJ #cardiotwitter pic.twitter.com/KAHTLSeOGh — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) July 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 17, 2020 at 12:53PM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/eKYH78jpmr

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/eKYH78jpmr — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 17, 2020 at 08:13AM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Have you noticed when you feel the most stressed? What do you do to turn the tables? Have you considered taking deep breaths? https://t.co/hYTNqZ2rn1

Have you noticed when you feel the most stressed? What do you do to turn the tables? Have you considered taking deep breaths? https://t.co/hYTNqZ2rn1 — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 16, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 16, 2020 at 05:22PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Qg2uQvJpta

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Qg2uQvJpta — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 16, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 16, 2020 at 11:00AM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @ASBMR: Restriction of Dietary Phosphate Ameliorates Skeletal Abnormalities in a Mouse Model for Craniometaphyseal Dysplasia #JBMR https://t.co/RJUT60QZOU https://t.co/xBBAz5QWPU

Restriction of Dietary Phosphate Ameliorates Skeletal Abnormalities in a Mouse Model for Craniometaphyseal Dysplasia #JBMR https://t.co/RJUT60QZOU pic.twitter.com/xBBAz5QWPU — ASBMR (@ASBMR) July 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 16, 2020 at 08:13AM

RT @iofbonehealth: Read this recent blog post by IOF President Cyrus Cooper highlighting the new #CaptureTheFracture partnership objectives and inviting organizations & experts in the #AsiaPacific to take local actions to make secondary #fracture prevention a reality. https://t.co/D0ZO7KbDsr https://t.co/9OPclZzMyV

Read this recent blog post by IOF President Cyrus Cooper highlighting the new #CaptureTheFracture partnership objectives and inviting organizations & experts in the #AsiaPacific to take local actions to make secondary #fracture prevention a reality. https://t.co/D0ZO7KbDsr pic.twitter.com/9OPclZzMyV — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) July 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 15, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: COVID-19 Pushes DXA Providers to the Breaking Point: Patient Lives at Risk #osteoporosis #DXA https://t.co/NMAUSuTVtL

COVID-19 Pushes DXA Providers to the Breaking Point: Patient Lives at Risk #osteoporosis #DXA pic.twitter.com/NMAUSuTVtL — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 15, 2020 at 12:53PM

RT @GEHealthcare: “I want to help. That’s my nature.” Judi Plowden is a Field Engineer at @GEHealthcare, who ensures medical devices work properly, to support clinicians and patients across Salt Lake City. 1/2

“I want to help. That’s my nature.” Judi Plowden is a Field Engineer at @GEHealthcare , who ensures medical devices work properly, to support clinicians and patients across Salt Lake City. 1/2 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) July 14, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 15, 2020 at 11:00AM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @SAEM_tw: Recomendaciones del Departamento de Endocrinología Infanto-Juvenil de SAEM La #endocrinología en tiempos del #COVIDー19 Suscríbase a nuestro canal en Youtube para ver el video completo 👉 https://t.co/2H3EzQEvHW @SAEM_tw https://t.co/X6uKk6MRxU

Recomendaciones del Departamento de Endocrinología Infanto-Juvenil de SAEM La #endocrinología en tiempos del #COVIDー19 Suscríbase a nuestro canal en Youtube para ver el video completo 👉 https://t.co/2H3EzQEvHW @SAEM_tw pic.twitter.com/X6uKk6MRxU — Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo (@SAEM_tw) July 14, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 15, 2020 at 08:13AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/t3rbjIdVcO

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/t3rbjIdVcO — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 14, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 14, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/0qS1J0vcY0

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/0qS1J0vcY0 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 14, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 14, 2020 at 12:55PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/nRe79t0osf

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/nRe79t0osf — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 14, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 14, 2020 at 11:01AM
Te invitamos a participar de este webinar de la AAOMM sobre Densitometría Ósea a cargo de la Dra. Ana María Galich, Te esperamos el jueves 23/07 a las 19hrs. Link al formulario de preinscripción https://forms.gle/wh7TcpXWkZjU4GaTA Link al canal de Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1SjpCs9C1RJF3UgWb-PXeg
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Ed8SquiDIb

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Ed8SquiDIb — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 14, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 14, 2020 at 08:14AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Lsf9lktwiq

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Lsf9lktwiq — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 13, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 13, 2020 at 05:23PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/lXu9sIQDjy

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/lXu9sIQDjy — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 13, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 13, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @GEHealthcare: Re-evaluating #NuclearMedicine in the wake of #COVID19 https://t.co/efZIgOuZC3

Re-evaluating #NuclearMedicine in the wake of #COVID19 https://t.co/efZIgOuZC3 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) July 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 13, 2020 at 12:54PM

RT @ANZBMSoc: The 30th ANZBMS Annual Scientific Meeting (12-14 Oct) will be a virtual event with interactive presentations, plenary and award sessions, and networking! Early Bird Registration (before 11 Sep): https://t.co/Vut7o0sgBp Submit abstracts (before 14 Aug): https://t.co/l30X6q9bG6 https://t.co/F2tJAYbMhy

The 30th ANZBMS Annual Scientific Meeting (12-14 Oct) will be a virtual event with interactive presentations, plenary and award sessions, and networking! Early Bird Registration (before 11 Sep): https://t.co/Vut7o0sgBp Submit abstracts (before 14 Aug): https://t.co/l30X6q9bG6 pic.twitter.com/F2tJAYbMhy — ANZBMS (@ANZBMSoc) July 13, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 13, 2020 at 11:00AM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @ASBMR: Correction in the #JBMR article: Exogenous PTH‐Related Protein and PTH Improve Mineral and Skeletal Status in 25‐Hydroxyvitamin D‐1α‐Hydroxylase and PTH Double Knockout Mice #JBMR https://t.co/7v2UpcN1Y0 https://t.co/YnADfbAu1C

Correction in the #JBMR article: Exogenous PTH‐Related Protein and PTH Improve Mineral and Skeletal Status in 25‐Hydroxyvitamin D‐1α‐Hydroxylase and PTH Double Knockout Mice #JBMR https://t.co/7v2UpcN1Y0 pic.twitter.com/YnADfbAu1C — ASBMR (@ASBMR) July 12, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 13, 2020 at 08:14AM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico
enCORE Las nuevas herramientas disponibles con el software de enCore permiten mejorar la calidad de sus pruebas clínicas y aumentar su productividad. www.osteomedical.com.ar #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medic

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: This four week webinar series, starting on July 30, will focus on helping you understand the role your unique genetic variations can have on your health and help you tailor lifestyle factors to help optimize your health. Learn more: https://t.co/Yl4MvUTcSP https://t.co/pXs6qxTvXA

This four week webinar series, starting on July 30, will focus on helping you understand the role your unique genetic variations can have on your health and help you tailor lifestyle factors to help optimize your health. Learn more: https://t.co/Yl4MvUTcSP pic.twitter.com/pXs6qxTvXA — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 10, 2020 at 05:50PM

RT @ASBMR: Register Today for the ASBMR CABS Webinar: COVID-19 Managing Bone in Patients with All Stages of Cancer—Friday, July 17th, 10:00 AM EDT #ASBMR https://t.co/TbXJxjlYUB https://t.co/5LyqqrJlHi

Register Today for the ASBMR CABS Webinar: COVID-19 Managing Bone in Patients with All Stages of Cancer—Friday, July 17th, 10:00 AM EDT #ASBMR https://t.co/TbXJxjlYUB pic.twitter.com/5LyqqrJlHi — ASBMR (@ASBMR) July 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 10, 2020 at 02:48PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ig4558nw47

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ig4558nw47 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 10, 2020 at 12:54PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/nwo5BeCUor

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/nwo5BeCUor — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 10, 2020 at 11:01AM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Compartimos una publicacion de SAEM https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/sTACgR49fH

Compartimos una publicacion de SAEM https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/sTACgR49fH — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 10, 2020 at 08:14AM

RT @GEHealthcare: Frank Korosec was a graduate student in the medical physics department of the University of Wisconsin where he helped to develop vascular imaging methods for MR systems. When his wife fell ill, she benefitted from the exact imaging machinery Frank worked on for his thesis. 1/2

Frank Korosec was a graduate student in the medical physics department of the University of Wisconsin where he helped to develop vascular imaging methods for MR systems. When his wife fell ill, she benefitted from the exact imaging machinery Frank worked on for his thesis. 1/2 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) July 8, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 09, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: A healthy diet and weight-bearing exercise help build optimal bone health! While it's important to promote bone health at all ages, children and adolescents who have higher peak bone mass (PBM) reduce their risk of osteoporosis later in life. https://t.co/MPEvIZpZ7f

A healthy diet and weight-bearing exercise help build optimal bone health! While it's important to promote bone health at all ages, children and adolescents who have higher peak bone mass (PBM) reduce their risk of osteoporosis later in life. https://t.co/MPEvIZpZ7f — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 8, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 09, 2020 at 02:49PM

RT @DeakinIPAN: Congratulations to IPAN's @daly_prof on recently being named a Fellow of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research - recognition for his highly regarded research in bone health. @ASBMR @ANZBMSoc https://t.co/YbpSNEXY16

Congratulations to IPAN's @daly_prof on recently being named a Fellow of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research - recognition for his highly regarded research in bone health. @ASBMR @ANZBMSoc pic.twitter.com/YbpSNEXY16 — Deakin IPAN (@DeakinIPAN) July 9, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 09, 2020 at 12:54PM
Feliz Dia de la Independencia para todos! #9DeJulio #Osteomedical

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/17pr44JKpF

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/17pr44JKpF — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 9, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 09, 2020 at 11:00AM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @BeamMedLTD: Our Omnipath Technology | Axial Transmission Technology | Portable – Omnipath™ is a unique, patented, proprietary axial transmission technology based on the measurement of the speed of ultrasonic waves along the bone. Call today for ... https://t.co/E0KHouPLeC https://t.co/BCqan9m5XR

Our Omnipath Technology | Axial Transmission Technology | Portable – Omnipath™ is a unique, patented, proprietary axial transmission technology based on the measurement of the speed of ultrasonic waves along the bone. Call today for ... https://t.co/E0KHouPLeC pic.twitter.com/BCqan9m5XR — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) July 6, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 09, 2020 at 08:13AM

RT @SAEM_tw: Ya está disponible en nuestro canal el Nuevo Video de la #Endocrinología en tiempos de #COVIDー19 Recomendaciones del Departamento de Neuroendocrinología https://t.co/X9WsPl4DKx a través de @YouTube https://t.co/bLF0Mre74V

Ya está disponible en nuestro canal el Nuevo Video de la #Endocrinología en tiempos de #COVIDー19 Recomendaciones del Departamento de Neuroendocrinología https://t.co/X9WsPl4DKx a través de @YouTube https://t.co/bLF0Mre74V — Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo (@SAEM_tw) July 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 08, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Many things can weaken bones. Some are outside your control and others are not. A healthy diet, physical activity and bone dentisty testing are all important elements of addressing bone health. https://t.co/cZzyafjV0I

Many things can weaken bones. Some are outside your control and others are not. A healthy diet, physical activity and bone dentisty testing are all important elements of addressing bone health. https://t.co/cZzyafjV0I — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 08, 2020 at 12:53PM


Osteomedical es un grupo especializado que provee equipamiento y servicio de calidad distinguidos. Con el respaldo y experiencia de la firma asesoramos y acompañamos en la mejora y renovación tecnológica permanente desde el inicio y continuando con una personalizada atención post venta. De esta manera ponemos nuestro conocimiento y prestigio a disposición de Centros Médicos, consultorios y profesionales de la salud en toda Argentina. Personalmente ó a través de diferentes medios de comunicación le acercamos las novedades y avances tecnológicos para mantenernos vinculados permanentemente con nuestros clientes. Conozcanos! www.osteomedical.com.ar #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

Compartimos una publicacion de SAEM https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/iqyzaIWHWs

Compartimos una publicacion de SAEM https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/iqyzaIWHWs — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 8, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 08, 2020 at 08:13AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/htSyP4LBAU

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/htSyP4LBAU — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 07, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/LqtTuIL2fk

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/LqtTuIL2fk — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 07, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @SAEM_tw: Ateneos Regionales FASEN 14 de julio de 2020 https://t.co/BuHQ7eSA5z

Ateneos Regionales FASEN 14 de julio de 2020 https://t.co/BuHQ7eSA5z — Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo (@SAEM_tw) July 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 07, 2020 at 12:53PM
¡Osteomedical es proveedor autorizado de ventas y soporte TBS Insight! TBS iNsight es una aplicación de software única y fácil de usar que evalúa la textura ósea, un índice de microarquitectura ósea, que a su vez se expresa como la puntuación de hueso trabecular (TBS). La medición se realiza a la perfección utilizando imágenes DXA adquiridas a partir de un escaneo de densitometría mineral ósea (BMD). No se requiere tiempo adicional de exploración del paciente ni exposición a la radiación y los médicos los interpretan fácilmente para permitirles manejar mejor a los pacientes con alto riesgo de fracturas. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/tbs-insight/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/lYaKdAqYrD

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/lYaKdAqYrD — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 07, 2020 at 08:13AM

RT @Osteoporosis_NL: Loss in DXA-estimated total body lean mass but not fat mass predicts incident major osteoporotic fracture and hip fracture independently from FRAX: a registry-based cohort study. Leslie WD et al. Arch Osteoporos 25 June 2020 https://t.co/ugWjikLM2Q https://t.co/aiANw45YrZ

Loss in DXA-estimated total body lean mass but not fat mass predicts incident major osteoporotic fracture and hip fracture independently from FRAX: a registry-based cohort study. Leslie WD et al. Arch Osteoporos 25 June 2020 https://t.co/ugWjikLM2Q pic.twitter.com/aiANw45YrZ — Osteoporosis NL (@Osteoporosis_NL) July 5, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 06, 2020 at 05:22PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/8ujjcQClRb

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/8ujjcQClRb — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 6, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 06, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @SAEM_tw: Recomendaciones del Departamento de Neuroendocrinología de #SAEM La endocrinología en tiempos del #COVIDー19 Suscríbase a nuestro canal en Youtube https://t.co/2H3EzQEvHW @SAEM_tw https://t.co/ahwfu11uGr

Recomendaciones del Departamento de Neuroendocrinología de #SAEM La endocrinología en tiempos del #COVIDー19 Suscríbase a nuestro canal en Youtube https://t.co/2H3EzQEvHW @SAEM_tw pic.twitter.com/ahwfu11uGr — Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo (@SAEM_tw) July 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 06, 2020 at 12:53PM

RT @ASBMR: New in #JBMR: Age‐, site‐ and sex‐specific normative centile curves for HRpQCT ‐derived microarchitectural and bone strength parameters in a Chinese mainland population #JBMR https://t.co/fshklUyMBy https://t.co/DF7PBs8nCu

New in #JBMR : Age‐, site‐ and sex‐specific normative centile curves for HRpQCT ‐derived microarchitectural and bone strength parameters in a Chinese mainland population #JBMR https://t.co/fshklUyMBy pic.twitter.com/DF7PBs8nCu — ASBMR (@ASBMR) July 4, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 06, 2020 at 11:00AM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @iofbonehealth: #CaptureTheFracture is growing in Latin America! This month we welcome Hospital Italiano of #BuenosAires, which has recently been included on the Map of Best Practice. There are now 3 FLS from Argentina and a total of 65 FLS in Latin America. Bienvenidos! https://t.co/qFx0iq3DuP https://t.co/SQ4kDJ2XeZ

#CaptureTheFracture is growing in Latin America! This month we welcome Hospital Italiano of #BuenosAires , which has recently been included on the Map of Best Practice. There are now 3 FLS from Argentina and a total of 65 FLS in Latin America. Bienvenidos! https://t.co/qFx0iq3DuP pic.twitter.com/SQ4kDJ2XeZ — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) July 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 06, 2020 at 08:13AM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @Julie_MHughes: Watched this webinar last weekend, and it's loaded with great pearls for writing an impactful article. Thanks, @Dr_BoAbrahamsen and @hmac77! @asbmr education archives for the win! https://t.co/WcKK1YF6Xf

Watched this webinar last weekend, and it's loaded with great pearls for writing an impactful article. Thanks, @Dr_BoAbrahamsen and @hmac77 ! @asbmr education archives for the win! https://t.co/WcKK1YF6Xf — Julie Hughes (@Julie_MHughes) July 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 03, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: As we move into this holiday weekend, here are a few creative (and easy!) recipe ideas for a festive celebration! https://t.co/lM4PI2BNs8

As we move into this holiday weekend, here are a few creative (and easy!) recipe ideas for a festive celebration! https://t.co/lM4PI2BNs8 — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 03, 2020 at 02:49PM

RT @BeamMedLTD: BeamMed Bone Density | Leader in Portable Bone Density Solutions – BeamMed is a leader in the market for advanced ultrasound technology & portable bone density devices that allow physicians early assessment of osteoporosis. FREE Consultation 800-769-... https://t.co/E10bwjjjAG

BeamMed Bone Density | Leader in Portable Bone Density Solutions – BeamMed is a leader in the market for advanced ultrasound technology & portable bone density devices that allow physicians early assessment of osteoporosis. FREE Consultation 800-769-... https://t.co/E10bwjjjAG — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) July 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 03, 2020 at 11:00AM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Osteoporosis can sneak up on you and most people don't even know they have it until they break a bone. Learn what can make you vulnerable to this bone-weakening condition, and you may be able to help prevent it. #osteoporosis #preventiontips https://t.co/6cS13vfVmP

Osteoporosis can sneak up on you and most people don't even know they have it until they break a bone. Learn what can make you vulnerable to this bone-weakening condition, and you may be able to help prevent it. #osteoporosis #preventiontips https://t.co/6cS13vfVmP — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 03, 2020 at 08:13AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/VWETKfkwSI

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/VWETKfkwSI — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 02, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: A well-balanced diet focused on key nutrients can be a good first step in pursuing pain-free physical activity like walking or running! https://t.co/u8yOqITnCY

A well-balanced diet focused on key nutrients can be a good first step in pursuing pain-free physical activity like walking or running! https://t.co/u8yOqITnCY — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 02, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @GEHealthcare: How has #COVID19 impacted patients suffering from other illnesses? A Sepsis coordinator discusses: https://t.co/sX7I0BzDpc

How has #COVID19 impacted patients suffering from other illnesses? A Sepsis coordinator discusses: https://t.co/sX7I0BzDpc — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) June 30, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 02, 2020 at 12:53PM
Te esperamos hoy para compartir esta tarde a las 19hs la charla de la Dra. Maria Larroude. Via zzom!

RT @ASBMR: Register Today for the First Workshop of the New ESI Clinical Case Workshop Series: Diabetes and Bone Health on Wednesday, July 15 at 2:00PM EDT! #ASBMR https://t.co/0BbJCrSNug https://t.co/gS79QKqwoT

Register Today for the First Workshop of the New ESI Clinical Case Workshop Series: Diabetes and Bone Health on Wednesday, July 15 at 2:00PM EDT! #ASBMR https://t.co/0BbJCrSNug pic.twitter.com/gS79QKqwoT — ASBMR (@ASBMR) July 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 02, 2020 at 11:00AM


Osteomedical es un grupo especializado que provee equipamiento y servicio de calidad distinguidos. Con el respaldo y experiencia de la firma asesoramos y acompañamos en la mejora y renovación tecnológica permanente desde el inicio y continuando con una personalizada atención post venta. De esta manera ponemos nuestro conocimiento y prestigio a disposición de Centros Médicos, consultorios y profesionales de la salud en toda Argentina. Personalmente ó a través de diferentes medios de comunicación le acercamos las novedades y avances tecnológicos para mantenernos vinculados permanentemente con nuestros clientes. Conozcanos! www.osteomedical.com.ar #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Have you experienced osteoporosis as a patient or caregiver? If so, we invite you to share your story: https://t.co/hctq1ahKcL. It can inspire others to learn how to protect their ability to live their best life and stay bone strong. https://t.co/ymv2zfPC0p

Have you experienced osteoporosis as a patient or caregiver? If so, we invite you to share your story: https://t.co/hctq1ahKcL . It can inspire others to learn how to protect their ability to live their best life and stay bone strong. pic.twitter.com/ymv2zfPC0p — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) July 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 02, 2020 at 08:13AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/LSOB60NMT3

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/LSOB60NMT3 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 01, 2020 at 05:23PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Y6wA8I0Ukb

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Y6wA8I0Ukb — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 01, 2020 at 02:48PM

Compartimos una publicacion de SAEM https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Q8iG6cu3ZA

Compartimos una publicacion de SAEM https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Q8iG6cu3ZA — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 01, 2020 at 12:53PM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/F2FtosRk4C

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/F2FtosRk4C — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) July 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 July 01, 2020 at 08:13AM