
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2020

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/vsnluIDezf

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/vsnluIDezf — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 30, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 30, 2020 at 05:24PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Z3DkurWhNu

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Z3DkurWhNu — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 30, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 30, 2020 at 02:48PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Y3ONgYMoAR

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Y3ONgYMoAR — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 30, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 30, 2020 at 12:53PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/KAqJWyOa9m

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/KAqJWyOa9m — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 30, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 30, 2020 at 11:00AM

RT @GEHealthcare: Join GE Healthcare virtually for #RSNA’s 106th meeting on 11.29 - 12.04. (2/2) https://t.co/TqUjaVp3Us #RSNA2020

Join GE Healthcare virtually for #RSNA ’s 106th meeting on 11.29 - 12.04. (2/2) https://t.co/TqUjaVp3Us #RSNA2020 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) November 27, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 30, 2020 at 08:13AM
Usted se dedica a ofrecer la mejor atención a sus pacientes. Nuestro compromiso es proporcionarle la tecnología que le ayude a alcanzar la excelencia cada día. #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico
Osteomedical es un grupo especializado que provee equipamiento y servicio de calidad distinguidos. Con el respaldo y experiencia de la firma asesoramos y acompañamos en la mejora y renovación tecnológica permanente desde el inicio y continuando con una personalizada atención post venta. De esta manera ponemos nuestro conocimiento y prestigio a disposición de Centros Médicos, consultorios y profesionales de la salud en toda Argentina. Personalmente ó a través de diferentes medios de comunicación le acercamos las novedades y avances tecnológicos para mantenernos vinculados permanentemente con nuestros clientes. Conozcanos! www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: If you or someone you care about has been affected by osteoporosis, join us on #GivingTuesday to help those in need. Learn more at https://t.co/Qf13I4tpp0. #NationalOsteoporosisFoundation #OsteoporosisFacts #BoneHealth https://t.co/f5jX116hiy

If you or someone you care about has been affected by osteoporosis, join us on #GivingTuesday to help those in need. Learn more at https://t.co/Qf13I4tpp0 . #NationalOsteoporosisFoundation #OsteoporosisFacts #BoneHealth pic.twitter.com/f5jX116hiy — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) November 27, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 27, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/qcdvDjCn8c

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/qcdvDjCn8c — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 27, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 27, 2020 at 12:53PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/AAw6BLMSRJ

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/AAw6BLMSRJ — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 27, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 27, 2020 at 11:00AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/RNm9VVgyIe

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/RNm9VVgyIe — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 26, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 26, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/rbp95vo26e

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/rbp95vo26e — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 26, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 26, 2020 at 12:53PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/S7ZjAwicgd

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/S7ZjAwicgd — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 26, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 26, 2020 at 11:01AM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: 2020 has been quite a year and being compassionate, especially to ourselves, can help us successfully make it to this year's finish line. https://t.co/lSHrVBJmcf

2020 has been quite a year and being compassionate, especially to ourselves, can help us successfully make it to this year's finish line. https://t.co/lSHrVBJmcf — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) November 25, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 26, 2020 at 08:13AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/FfYKIEP5GC

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/FfYKIEP5GC — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 25, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 25, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @BeamMedLTD: Bone density tests are an important element in helping evaluate bone health relating to risks of fractures and in assessing osteoporosis development. Beammed Quantitative Ultrasound is a a portable... https://t.co/ZQAO9Yrp7k

Bone density tests are an important element in helping evaluate bone health relating to risks of fractures and in assessing osteoporosis development. Beammed Quantitative Ultrasound is a a portable... https://t.co/ZQAO9Yrp7k — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) November 25, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 25, 2020 at 02:48PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/wUcdCqy1y8

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/wUcdCqy1y8 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 25, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 25, 2020 at 12:55PM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/hlieycJyC9

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/hlieycJyC9 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 25, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 25, 2020 at 11:01AM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/2PW6eqEpkQ

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/2PW6eqEpkQ — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 25, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 25, 2020 at 08:13AM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ESfrUIQuCL

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ESfrUIQuCL — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 24, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 24, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/arVjk56r2Z

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/arVjk56r2Z — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 24, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 24, 2020 at 02:48PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/y7toEflYVv

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/y7toEflYVv — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 24, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 24, 2020 at 12:53PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/kPN2y0TeyS

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/kPN2y0TeyS — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 24, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 24, 2020 at 11:01AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/VEn0JXDvVJ

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/VEn0JXDvVJ — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 24, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 24, 2020 at 08:14AM

RT @iofbonehealth: New in Calcif Tissue Int: Relationships Between Level & Change in #Sarcopenia and Other Body Composition Components & Adverse Health Outcomes: Findings from the Health, Aging, & Body Composition Study https://t.co/3po4E92r2e https://t.co/zhdSUUMGLT

New in Calcif Tissue Int: Relationships Between Level & Change in #Sarcopenia and Other Body Composition Components & Adverse Health Outcomes: Findings from the Health, Aging, & Body Composition Study https://t.co/3po4E92r2e pic.twitter.com/zhdSUUMGLT — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) November 21, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 23, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @GEHealthcare: Radiology has played an outsized role in tackling the pandemic. Learn more at #RSNA2020 about radiology’s advancements. Join @GEHealthcare virtually at #RSNA on 11.29 - 12.04. https://t.co/TqUjaVp3Us https://t.co/lWoz3hlZ8u

Radiology has played an outsized role in tackling the pandemic. Learn more at #RSNA2020 about radiology’s advancements. Join @GEHealthcare virtually at #RSNA on 11.29 - 12.04. https://t.co/TqUjaVp3Us pic.twitter.com/lWoz3hlZ8u — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) November 23, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 23, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @GEHealthcare: Radiology has played an outsized role in tackling the pandemic. Learn more at #RSNA2020 about radiology’s advancements. Join @GEHealthcare virtually at #RSNA on 11.29 - 12.04. https://t.co/TqUjaVp3Us https://t.co/lWoz3hlZ8u

Radiology has played an outsized role in tackling the pandemic. Learn more at #RSNA2020 about radiology’s advancements. Join @GEHealthcare virtually at #RSNA on 11.29 - 12.04. https://t.co/TqUjaVp3Us pic.twitter.com/lWoz3hlZ8u — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) November 23, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 23, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @GEHealthcare: The @GEHealthcare team has and always will stand in support of those on the frontlines of healthcare – and that includes now as they come together to share a unified message. For this and all they do every day, we send our gratitude. #GEfortheFrontlines https://t.co/NTn1lhwg2v

The @GEHealthcare team has and always will stand in support of those on the frontlines of healthcare – and that includes now as they come together to share a unified message. For this and all they do every day, we send our gratitude. #GEfortheFrontlines https://t.co/NTn1lhwg2v — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) November 23, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 23, 2020 at 12:54PM

RT @ASBMR: #ASBMR sends a massive thank you to everyone who works to protect and advance public health. Your efforts save lives. Happy Public Health Thank You Day! #PHTYD #PublicHealthHeroes https://t.co/e6cF3zXM0T https://t.co/dlEUd2nPny

#ASBMR sends a massive thank you to everyone who works to protect and advance public health. Your efforts save lives. Happy Public Health Thank You Day! #PHTYD #PublicHealthHeroes https://t.co/e6cF3zXM0T pic.twitter.com/dlEUd2nPny — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 23, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 23, 2020 at 11:00AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/gpOC4uXpWQ

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/gpOC4uXpWQ — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 23, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 23, 2020 at 08:13AM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/RWyzJSS6LO

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/RWyzJSS6LO — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 20, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 20, 2020 at 05:23PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: This year #GivingTuesday takes place on 12/1! We're committed to helping those who suffer from osteoporosis and hope that you'll join us on this global day of giving. Help spread the word, set up a fundraiser or donate. https://t.co/817EDvx1Ul #bonehealth #osteoporosis

This year #GivingTuesday takes place on 12/1! We're committed to helping those who suffer from osteoporosis and hope that you'll join us on this global day of giving. Help spread the word, set up a fundraiser or donate. https://t.co/817EDvx1Ul #bonehealth #osteoporosis — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) November 19, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 20, 2020 at 02:49PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/hqTNmtEeML

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/hqTNmtEeML — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 20, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 20, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @ASBMR: Authors of a new study in #JBMR explored the CT‐derived bone mineral density (BMD) and prevalence of #osteoporosis from thoracic LDCT in a large population cohort of Chinese men and women #JBMR https://t.co/6TqaPytvqC https://t.co/01feAkWLYl

Authors of a new study in #JBMR explored the CT‐derived bone mineral density (BMD) and prevalence of #osteoporosis from thoracic LDCT in a large population cohort of Chinese men and women #JBMR https://t.co/6TqaPytvqC pic.twitter.com/01feAkWLYl — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 20, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 20, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Early, detectable signs of bone loss are rare, and breaking a bone is often the first sign of osteoporosis. This article, however, discusses some potential signs and symptoms that can point toward bone loss. https://t.co/drd1cChrer

Early, detectable signs of bone loss are rare, and breaking a bone is often the first sign of osteoporosis. This article, however, discusses some potential signs and symptoms that can point toward bone loss. https://t.co/drd1cChrer — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) November 19, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 20, 2020 at 12:53PM

RT @iofbonehealth: New in #Osteoporosis Int : Feasibility, safety & effectiveness of a pilot 16-week home-based, impact #exercise intervention in postmenopausal women with low BMD #physicalactivity https://t.co/f2ER5ZhYBH https://t.co/UsMl3xNTfo

New in #Osteoporosis Int : Feasibility, safety & effectiveness of a pilot 16-week home-based, impact #exercise intervention in postmenopausal women with low BMD #physicalactivity https://t.co/f2ER5ZhYBH pic.twitter.com/UsMl3xNTfo — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) November 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 20, 2020 at 11:00AM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/YMETN1XNtO

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/YMETN1XNtO — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 20, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 20, 2020 at 08:13AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/hkCen4blTA

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/hkCen4blTA — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 19, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 19, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/C4dUuFF8ZA

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/C4dUuFF8ZA — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 19, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 19, 2020 at 02:49PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/2reRIHfAip

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/2reRIHfAip — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 19, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 19, 2020 at 12:53PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/nnu2PSWt9l

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/nnu2PSWt9l — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 19, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 19, 2020 at 11:01AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/VxCkFN1OzK

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/VxCkFN1OzK — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 18, 2020 at 05:23PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/QSDz3ALPEh

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/QSDz3ALPEh — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 18, 2020 at 02:49PM

RT @ASBMR: Register for Tomorrow's Member Spotlight Session at 3:00 PM EST #ASBMR https://t.co/dT400oyq33 https://t.co/LtOH7L6f3s

Register for Tomorrow's Member Spotlight Session at 3:00 PM EST #ASBMR https://t.co/dT400oyq33 pic.twitter.com/LtOH7L6f3s — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 18, 2020 at 12:53PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Usom2LA86x

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Usom2LA86x — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 18, 2020 at 11:03AM

RT @BeamMedLTD: Omnipath™ is a unique, patented, proprietary axial transmission technology based on the measurement of the speed of ultrasonic waves propagating along the bone. Call for more information at 800-769-680... https://t.co/SQPMpQkDek

Omnipath™ is a unique, patented, proprietary axial transmission technology based on the measurement of the speed of ultrasonic waves propagating along the bone. Call for more information at 800-769-680... https://t.co/SQPMpQkDek — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) November 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 18, 2020 at 08:12AM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Learn about somethings to avoid—and what to do— to set yourself up for a better morning run (or walk!). https://t.co/2km2GU4JbF

Learn about somethings to avoid—and what to do— to set yourself up for a better morning run (or walk!). https://t.co/2km2GU4JbF — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) November 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 17, 2020 at 05:22PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1yvd8Ivvg7

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1yvd8Ivvg7 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 17, 2020 at 12:53PM
La ventaja de trabajar con lo mejor General Electric #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @ASBMR: The November Issue of JBMR® is Now Online #JBMR https://t.co/4DuNdnBYNi https://t.co/FTXqPmTivK

The November Issue of JBMR® is Now Online #JBMR https://t.co/4DuNdnBYNi pic.twitter.com/FTXqPmTivK — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 16, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 16, 2020 at 05:21PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Smx6zQ4s7n

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Smx6zQ4s7n — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 16, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 16, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @ASBMR: #25reasonstogive Day 11: To celebrate the legacy of bone and mineral science pioneers @ASBMR needs your support for #GivingTuesday. Your donation will be doubled through the #ASBMRmatch - up to 25k USD https://t.co/JEQXoaAOd0 https://t.co/HHwlNL0EHf

#25reasonstogive Day 11: To celebrate the legacy of bone and mineral science pioneers @ASBMR needs your support for #GivingTuesday . Your donation will be doubled through the #ASBMRmatch - up to 25k USD https://t.co/JEQXoaAOd0 pic.twitter.com/HHwlNL0EHf — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 16, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 16, 2020 at 12:53PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: What's the difference between osteoporosis and osteopenia? While they both refer to lowered bone mass, osteopenia is often known as a precursor condition to osteoporosis. https://t.co/3qbDjWIZLe

What's the difference between osteoporosis and osteopenia? While they both refer to lowered bone mass, osteopenia is often known as a precursor condition to osteoporosis. https://t.co/3qbDjWIZLe — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) November 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 16, 2020 at 11:00AM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: There are many things you can consider doing if you're starting to struggle with your walking. Here are three things you can think about today. https://t.co/u6ZUFzvEqq

There are many things you can consider doing if you're starting to struggle with your walking. Here are three things you can think about today. https://t.co/u6ZUFzvEqq — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) November 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 16, 2020 at 08:12AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/gRgxYJgiqX

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/gRgxYJgiqX — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 13, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 13, 2020 at 05:22PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Wte4Rmp1fM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Wte4Rmp1fM — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 13, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 13, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @GEHealthcare: #RSNA20 is coming… Stay tuned. https://t.co/rQsmMcx7H8

#RSNA20 is coming… Stay tuned. pic.twitter.com/rQsmMcx7H8 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) November 13, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 13, 2020 at 12:53PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/uo1AtlQaV8

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/uo1AtlQaV8 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 13, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 13, 2020 at 11:01AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/zr5FfwBrKq

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/zr5FfwBrKq — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 13, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 13, 2020 at 08:14AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/zr5FfwBrKq

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/zr5FfwBrKq — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 13, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 13, 2020 at 08:14AM

RT @iofbonehealth: A devastating cycle of broken bones due to #osteoporosis has left Mrs Manjulaben with disability and constant pain. Could early diagnosis and treatment have made a difference? Read her story @ https://t.co/waO7ggDOHJ #WorldOsteoporosisDay https://t.co/YNH5om5Wqs

A devastating cycle of broken bones due to #osteoporosis has left Mrs Manjulaben with disability and constant pain. Could early diagnosis and treatment have made a difference? Read her story @ https://t.co/waO7ggDOHJ #WorldOsteoporosisDay pic.twitter.com/YNH5om5Wqs — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) November 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 12, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Tune in to Bone Talk! In this podcast episode we discuss how menopause changes everything! There are some surprising ways menopause can impact our bodies, especially when it comes to our #bonehealth and our #brainhealth. https://t.co/U3HphmqVBF

Tune in to Bone Talk! In this podcast episode we discuss how menopause changes everything! There are some surprising ways menopause can impact our bodies, especially when it comes to our #bonehealth and our #brainhealth . https://t.co/U3HphmqVBF — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) November 11, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 12, 2020 at 02:49PM

RT @ASBMR: New in #JBMRPlus: Trends in Hip Fracture Incidence in Japan: Estimates Based on Nationwide Hip Fracture Surveys from 1992 to 2017 #JBMRPlus #openaccess #freetoread https://t.co/I8jFMFVhuP https://t.co/Ez8N4ruXJs

New in #JBMRPlus : Trends in Hip Fracture Incidence in Japan: Estimates Based on Nationwide Hip Fracture Surveys from 1992 to 2017 #JBMRPlus #openaccess #freetoread https://t.co/I8jFMFVhuP pic.twitter.com/Ez8N4ruXJs — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 12, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 12, 2020 at 12:52PM

RT @GEHealthcare: US research suggests there has been a 100 percent increase in telehealth demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's crucial to reflect on these rapid advances and underpin these new ways of working with the right technological foundations.

US research suggests there has been a 100 percent increase in telehealth demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's crucial to reflect on these rapid advances and underpin these new ways of working with the right technological foundations. — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) November 12, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 12, 2020 at 11:00AM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/zVfDRkhzE3

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/zVfDRkhzE3 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 12, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 12, 2020 at 08:15AM

RT @Densitometry: Join our colleagues at IOF and our Immediate Past President of ISCD, Dr. Chris Shuhart for a BoneCast Webinar on Quality DXA Services this Thursday! https://t.co/3MfNNCtNB3 https://t.co/kMSaHZyEpL

Join our colleagues at IOF and our Immediate Past President of ISCD, Dr. Chris Shuhart for a BoneCast Webinar on Quality DXA Services this Thursday! https://t.co/3MfNNCtNB3 https://t.co/kMSaHZyEpL — ISCD (@Densitometry) November 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 11, 2020 at 05:24PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/oemJvrzFTT

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/oemJvrzFTT — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 11, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 11, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @SAEM_tw: 1º Simposio del Departamento de Salud Transgénero y Diversidad Sexual Webinar 18 de noviembre del 2020. 19hs Más info: https://t.co/m3W7Dakw4J https://t.co/7gEE429NXN

1º Simposio del Departamento de Salud Transgénero y Diversidad Sexual Webinar 18 de noviembre del 2020. 19hs Más info: https://t.co/m3W7Dakw4J pic.twitter.com/7gEE429NXN — Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo (@SAEM_tw) November 11, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 11, 2020 at 12:52PM

RT @ASBMR: #25reasonstogive Day 5: Because science matters @ASBMR needs your support for #GivingTuesday. Learn more about the ASBMR Education and Research Fund and donate today! #ASBMR https://t.co/7ZZWiIzH0u https://t.co/KQmb7Wu59k

#25reasonstogive Day 5: Because science matters @ASBMR needs your support for #GivingTuesday . Learn more about the ASBMR Education and Research Fund and donate today! #ASBMR https://t.co/7ZZWiIzH0u pic.twitter.com/KQmb7Wu59k — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 11, 2020 at 11:00AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/jv7V5oVhLU

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/jv7V5oVhLU — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 11, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 11, 2020 at 08:15AM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Visit our online Resource Library for publications and videos geared towards patients, caregivers and the general public. https://t.co/ypy37sZmq4 #osteoporosis #bonehealth #fractureprevention

Visit our online Resource Library for publications and videos geared towards patients, caregivers and the general public. https://t.co/ypy37sZmq4 #osteoporosis #bonehealth #fractureprevention — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) November 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 10, 2020 at 05:22PM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/NRVC1prYI8

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/NRVC1prYI8 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 10, 2020 at 02:48PM
enCORE Las nuevas herramientas disponibles con el software de enCore permiten mejorar la calidad de sus pruebas clínicas y aumentar su productividad. www.osteomedical.com.ar #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medic

RT @DrAmbrishMithal: Did you know that people with #diabetes have almost double the risk for #osteoporosis and #fracture? If you have diabetes, and are over 50y get your #bone density tested Nov 14-#WorldDiabetesDay @IndiaESI @ISBMRTweets @iofbonehealth @ASBMR @MaxHealthcare @EsePresident

Did you know that people with #diabetes have almost double the risk for #osteoporosis and #fracture ? If you have diabetes, and are over 50y get your #bone density tested Nov 14- #WorldDiabetesDay @IndiaESI @ISBMRTweets @iofbonehealth @ASBMR @MaxHealthcare @EsePresident — Dr Ambrish Mithal (@DrAmbrishMithal) November 9, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 10, 2020 at 12:54PM

RT @ASBMR: Italy okays trial of osteoporosis drug to treat COVID-19 #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews https://t.co/BeynjQzyfh

Italy okays trial of osteoporosis drug to treat COVID-19 #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews https://t.co/BeynjQzyfh — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 9, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 10, 2020 at 11:00AM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Qrs7dRVwv2

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Qrs7dRVwv2 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 10, 2020 at 08:13AM

RT @GEHealthcare: Lockdown restrictions earlier this year left the team at Royal Perth Hospital unable to trial their new Senographe Pristina mammography system so Helen Parry, the hospital’s Chief Medical Imaging Technologist, volunteered to be their first screening patient. 1/2 https://t.co/nXnrPk4OdV

Lockdown restrictions earlier this year left the team at Royal Perth Hospital unable to trial their new Senographe Pristina mammography system so Helen Parry, the hospital’s Chief Medical Imaging Technologist, volunteered to be their first screening patient. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/nXnrPk4OdV — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) November 6, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 09, 2020 at 05:21PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Jw3JR1AwQn

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Jw3JR1AwQn — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 9, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 09, 2020 at 02:50PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: For over 35 years, we've been committed to preventing broken bones and osteoporosis through education, advocacy and research. We advocate in support of awareness, research, patients, and professionals. Learn how you can help! https://t.co/p7n7u0jB5q

For over 35 years, we've been committed to preventing broken bones and osteoporosis through education, advocacy and research. We advocate in support of awareness, research, patients, and professionals. Learn how you can help! https://t.co/p7n7u0jB5q — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) November 6, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 06, 2020 at 02:49PM

RT @Densitometry: Today launched our new ISCD website and member portal! We invite you to visit the new site - explore our professional resources and online learning opportunities! https://t.co/X4oP6kwtNO https://t.co/aZhzuilYV7

Today launched our new ISCD website and member portal! We invite you to visit the new site - explore our professional resources and online learning opportunities! https://t.co/X4oP6kwtNO pic.twitter.com/aZhzuilYV7 — ISCD (@Densitometry) November 5, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 06, 2020 at 12:54PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/HqnYVEpZDG

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/HqnYVEpZDG — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 6, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 06, 2020 at 11:00AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/vrW6ykjaus

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/vrW6ykjaus — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 6, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 06, 2020 at 08:13AM

RT @ASBMR: Apply Today for the ASBMR First Independent Research Support & Transition (FIRST) Awards! #ASBMR https://t.co/YlB0jgFvQb https://t.co/Db2O3AtV3b

Apply Today for the ASBMR First Independent Research Support & Transition (FIRST) Awards! #ASBMR https://t.co/YlB0jgFvQb pic.twitter.com/Db2O3AtV3b — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 5, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 05, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/SDFOjSJaJd

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/SDFOjSJaJd — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 5, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 05, 2020 at 02:48PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/tXdlixTVGs

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/tXdlixTVGs — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 4, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 04, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @ASBMR: Functional Assessment of Coding and Regulatory Variants From the DKK1 Locus #JBMRPlus #openaccess #freetoread https://t.co/9FNbNBnvvh https://t.co/fnemgNtY40

Functional Assessment of Coding and Regulatory Variants From the DKK1 Locus #JBMRPlus #openaccess #freetoread https://t.co/9FNbNBnvvh pic.twitter.com/fnemgNtY40 — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 04, 2020 at 02:48PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Q6r5YEwEdP

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Q6r5YEwEdP — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 4, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 04, 2020 at 12:54PM

RT @BeamMedLTD: Learn about Beammed, the Most Portable & Lightweight Bone Density Assessment Scanner. Lightweight & Compact bone scanner that provides Fast, Easy Screening. Call at 800-769-6808 #oste... https://t.co/NvRFdMayq7

Learn about Beammed, the Most Portable & Lightweight Bone Density Assessment Scanner. Lightweight & Compact bone scanner that provides Fast, Easy Screening. Call at 800-769-6808 #oste ... https://t.co/NvRFdMayq7 — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) November 4, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 04, 2020 at 11:02AM

RT @iofbonehealth: Since the launch of the #CaptureTheFracture Partnership in June, 10 Fracture Liaison Services in the CTF network have been reassessed and have earned a higher score based on the Best Practice Framework criteria. Congratulations! https://t.co/1Kgf3Sau10 https://t.co/K0RQImtkbj https://t.co/RoaLuOBeIo

Since the launch of the #CaptureTheFracture Partnership in June, 10 Fracture Liaison Services in the CTF network have been reassessed and have earned a higher score based on the Best Practice Framework criteria. Congratulations! https://t.co/1Kgf3Sau10 https://t.co/K0RQImtkbj pic.twitter.com/RoaLuOBeIo — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) November 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 03, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @ASBMR: The October Issue of JBMR® Plus is Online #JBMRPlus #openaccess #freetoread https://t.co/PcRVRO27Nk https://t.co/wFiqBxIv0l

The October Issue of JBMR® Plus is Online #JBMRPlus #openaccess #freetoread https://t.co/PcRVRO27Nk pic.twitter.com/wFiqBxIv0l — ASBMR (@ASBMR) November 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 03, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @Osteoporosis_NL: Application of machine learning approaches for osteoporosis risk prediction in postmenopausal women. Shim J et al. Arch Osteoporos 23 Oct 2020 https://t.co/yZAYJXXeRK ...important pioneering work from Korea

Application of machine learning approaches for osteoporosis risk prediction in postmenopausal women. Shim J et al. Arch Osteoporos 23 Oct 2020 https://t.co/yZAYJXXeRK ...important pioneering work from Korea — Osteoporosis NL (@Osteoporosis_NL) November 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 03, 2020 at 12:53PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/NOuvKOhWTY

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/NOuvKOhWTY — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 03, 2020 at 11:00AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/oQgzOPCHl4

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/oQgzOPCHl4 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 03, 2020 at 08:14AM

RT @GEHealthcare: Following the decrease in mammogram appointments due to COVID-19, @MikeyKayNYC speaks to Helen Parry, Chief Imaging Technologist at the Royal Perth Hospital, Australia about how this decrease changed her life. (1/2) https://t.co/3xeHNMmBC7

Following the decrease in mammogram appointments due to COVID-19, @MikeyKayNYC speaks to Helen Parry, Chief Imaging Technologist at the Royal Perth Hospital, Australia about how this decrease changed her life. (1/2) https://t.co/3xeHNMmBC7 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) October 28, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 02, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/XD1NAobhmH

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/XD1NAobhmH — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 02, 2020 at 02:49PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Are you planning to take a walk this weekend? These tips offer a few ideas for getting the most out of your walk from a fitness perspective. Remember, if you're trying something new, always talk to your doctor first! https://t.co/leADRSZoTC

Are you planning to take a walk this weekend? These tips offer a few ideas for getting the most out of your walk from a fitness perspective. Remember, if you're trying something new, always talk to your doctor first! https://t.co/leADRSZoTC — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) October 31, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 02, 2020 at 12:54PM
Osteomedical es un grupo especializado que provee equipamiento y servicio de calidad distinguidos. Con el respaldo y experiencia de la firma asesoramos y acompañamos en la mejora y renovación tecnológica permanente desde el inicio y continuando con una personalizada atención post venta. De esta manera ponemos nuestro conocimiento y prestigio a disposición de Centros Médicos, consultorios y profesionales de la salud en toda Argentina. Personalmente ó a través de diferentes medios de comunicación le acercamos las novedades y avances tecnológicos para mantenernos vinculados permanentemente con nuestros clientes. Conozcanos! www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @GEHealthcare: A team at @FrogDesign worked with @GEHealthcare on the Vivid iq Ultra Edition cardiovascular ultrasound system to develop a new user experience credited with innovations designed to alleviate user ergonomic strain. (2/2) https://t.co/zjTbtlqgFq

A team at @FrogDesign worked with @GEHealthcare on the Vivid iq Ultra Edition cardiovascular ultrasound system to develop a new user experience credited with innovations designed to alleviate user ergonomic strain. (2/2) https://t.co/zjTbtlqgFq — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) October 28, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 02, 2020 at 11:00AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/LT2g7qvTvi

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/LT2g7qvTvi — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) November 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 November 02, 2020 at 08:13AM