
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2021

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/JJi16lOMqT

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/JJi16lOMqT — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 31, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 31, 2021 at 02:51PM
enCORE Las nuevas herramientas disponibles con el software de enCore permiten mejorar la calidad de sus pruebas clínicas y aumentar su productividad. www.osteomedical.com.ar #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medic

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/nE7RJCpqCA

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/nE7RJCpqCA — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 31, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 31, 2021 at 12:56PM

RT @ASBMR: Nominate a Deserving Colleague for the 2021 Class of Fellows of the ASBMR #ASBMR https://t.co/LE5UVokCeC https://t.co/7swh4sqKdx

Nominate a Deserving Colleague for the 2021 Class of Fellows of the ASBMR #ASBMR https://t.co/LE5UVokCeC pic.twitter.com/7swh4sqKdx — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 30, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 31, 2021 at 11:06AM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Wo8aHbAU5h

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Wo8aHbAU5h — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 30, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 30, 2021 at 05:26PM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @GEHealthcare: The past year has highlighted the resilience and strength of doctors around the world more than ever before. Today, we thank them for the care they provide for patients every day. #DoctorsDay2021 #DoctorsDay #GEProud https://t.co/3eTNs12fxJ

The past year has highlighted the resilience and strength of doctors around the world more than ever before. Today, we thank them for the care they provide for patients every day. #DoctorsDay2021 #DoctorsDay #GEProud pic.twitter.com/3eTNs12fxJ — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) March 30, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 30, 2021 at 02:52PM

RT @iofbonehealth: Employment opportunity! IOF is seeking a Medical Advisor Consultant with expertise in the #bone field; 50% position, based from Nyon, #Switzerland. View #job description for complete details. https://t.co/fYsAS55pYy #medical https://t.co/ec2icbziqJ

Employment opportunity! IOF is seeking a Medical Advisor Consultant with expertise in the #bone field; 50% position, based from Nyon, #Switzerland . View #job description for complete details. https://t.co/fYsAS55pYy #medical pic.twitter.com/ec2icbziqJ — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 30, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 30, 2021 at 12:55PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/tqM6673Yq5

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/tqM6673Yq5 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 30, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 30, 2021 at 11:03AM

RT @GEHealthcare: Behind the scenes of @GEHealthcare’s latest innovation, @Vscan Air, @MikeyKayNYC meets the people who made it a reality. 👇

Behind the scenes of @GEHealthcare ’s latest innovation, @Vscan Air, @MikeyKayNYC meets the people who made it a reality. 👇 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) March 26, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 30, 2021 at 08:16AM

RT @ASBMR: Support your bone health and bone research at once! Sign up for the @ASBMR Fund for Research and Education’s first-ever Virtual 5k Fun Run, held this May for #NationalOsteoporosisMonth. Proceeds will help support early stage investigators! #ASBMR https://t.co/EV6L5YInAz https://t.co/FR4SVkHM7e

Support your bone health and bone research at once! Sign up for the @ASBMR Fund for Research and Education’s first-ever Virtual 5k Fun Run, held this May for #NationalOsteoporosisMonth . Proceeds will help support early stage investigators! #ASBMR https://t.co/EV6L5YInAz pic.twitter.com/FR4SVkHM7e — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 29, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 29, 2021 at 05:25PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Vj3QiMuQ5O

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Vj3QiMuQ5O — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 29, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 29, 2021 at 02:52PM

RT @BeamMedLTD: The MiniOmni Advantage for Osteoporosis Assessment is based on the same proprietary Sunlight Omnipath™ quantitative ultrasound technology that has been proven in thousands of Sunlight Omnisense i... https://t.co/W9SEwxOMuY

The MiniOmni Advantage for Osteoporosis Assessment is based on the same proprietary Sunlight Omnipath™ quantitative ultrasound technology that has been proven in thousands of Sunlight Omnisense i... https://t.co/W9SEwxOMuY — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) March 29, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 29, 2021 at 11:38AM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @ASBMR: Bone aging, cellular senescence, and osteoporosis #JBMRPlus #openaccess #freetoread https://t.co/nAUcITMZva https://t.co/yOKVt0erF5

Bone aging, cellular senescence, and osteoporosis #JBMRPlus #openaccess #freetoread https://t.co/nAUcITMZva pic.twitter.com/yOKVt0erF5 — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 26, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 26, 2021 at 05:25PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/MzeZ6kfTuV

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/MzeZ6kfTuV — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 26, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 26, 2021 at 02:51PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/0HecX0VAUc

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/0HecX0VAUc — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 26, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 26, 2021 at 12:56PM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/yyYylAUNGS

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/yyYylAUNGS — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 26, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 26, 2021 at 11:03AM
enCORE Las nuevas herramientas disponibles con el software de enCore permiten mejorar la calidad de sus pruebas clínicas y aumentar su productividad. www.osteomedical.com.ar #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medic

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/YA5wj77pRn

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/YA5wj77pRn — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 26, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 26, 2021 at 08:16AM

RT @iofbonehealth: We congratulate the @RoyalOsteoSoc on today's launch of a new All-Party Parliamentary Group on Osteoporosis & Bone Health! https://t.co/W2RqbLc2qS

We congratulate the @RoyalOsteoSoc on today's launch of a new All-Party Parliamentary Group on Osteoporosis & Bone Health! https://t.co/W2RqbLc2qS — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 25, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 25, 2021 at 05:26PM

RT @veropappalardo: Nuevo mate , no se comparte https://t.co/pIxbokGaE5

Nuevo mate , no se comparte pic.twitter.com/pIxbokGaE5 — veronica pappalardo (@veropappalardo) March 22, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 25, 2021 at 02:54PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/JZXagFPood

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/JZXagFPood — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 25, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 25, 2021 at 12:58PM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @Densitometry: Congratulations to Dr. Neil Binkley, MD, CCD, the recipient of our 2021 Dr. Harry K. Genant ISCD Researcher of the Year Award presented to an outstanding researcher for distinguished service to the field of densitometry in the areas of publication, education or leadership! https://t.co/leccDru0cj

Congratulations to Dr. Neil Binkley, MD, CCD, the recipient of our 2021 Dr. Harry K. Genant ISCD Researcher of the Year Award presented to an outstanding researcher for distinguished service to the field of densitometry in the areas of publication, education or leadership! pic.twitter.com/leccDru0cj — ISCD (@Densitometry) March 22, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 25, 2021 at 11:05AM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ISCD https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/T8zdpNhfc7

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ISCD https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/T8zdpNhfc7 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 25, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 25, 2021 at 08:15AM

RT @Densitometry: We congratulate Dr. E. Michael Lewiecki, MD, FACP, FACE, FASBMR, CCD, recipient of our 2021 Dr. John P. Bilezikian ISCD Global Leadership Award presented for distinguished service and leadership in the global promotion of the field of bone densitometry and the ISCD! https://t.co/F1FoXZW0aw

We congratulate Dr. E. Michael Lewiecki, MD, FACP, FACE, FASBMR, CCD, recipient of our 2021 Dr. John P. Bilezikian ISCD Global Leadership Award presented for distinguished service and leadership in the global promotion of the field of bone densitometry and the ISCD! pic.twitter.com/F1FoXZW0aw — ISCD (@Densitometry) March 22, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 24, 2021 at 05:24PM

RT @ASBMR: Submit Your Abstract for the ASBMR 2021 Annual Meeting by May 12 #ASBMR https://t.co/sif1VxQZRR https://t.co/FlznZZJJoO

Submit Your Abstract for the ASBMR 2021 Annual Meeting by May 12 #ASBMR https://t.co/sif1VxQZRR pic.twitter.com/FlznZZJJoO — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 24, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 24, 2021 at 02:51PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: "Transitions in life can offer opportunities for discovery." ~Robbie Shell 🦋🌻🌱 #FirstDayOfSpring https://t.co/xWlILs4amF

"Transitions in life can offer opportunities for discovery." ~Robbie Shell 🦋🌻🌱 #FirstDayOfSpring pic.twitter.com/xWlILs4amF — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) March 20, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 24, 2021 at 12:55PM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: ICYMI: NOF recently hosted a webinar focused on what patients/caregivers need to know to prevent spine fractures, tips on how to manage safe movement and exercise at home to avoid crowded areas that cause a higher risk for contracting COVID-19. https://t.co/6k1NBJvyWv

ICYMI: NOF recently hosted a webinar focused on what patients/caregivers need to know to prevent spine fractures, tips on how to manage safe movement and exercise at home to avoid crowded areas that cause a higher risk for contracting COVID-19. https://t.co/6k1NBJvyWv — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) March 21, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 24, 2021 at 11:02AM
Osteomedical es un grupo especializado que provee equipamiento y servicio de calidad distinguidos. Con el respaldo y experiencia de la firma asesoramos y acompañamos en la mejora y renovación tecnológica permanente desde el inicio y continuando con una personalizada atención post venta. De esta manera ponemos nuestro conocimiento y prestigio a disposición de Centros Médicos, consultorios y profesionales de la salud en toda Argentina. Personalmente ó a través de diferentes medios de comunicación le acercamos las novedades y avances tecnológicos para mantenernos vinculados permanentemente con nuestros clientes. Conozcanos! www.osteomedical.com.ar

Compartimos una publicacion de SAEM https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/dnCQipnU9R

Compartimos una publicacion de SAEM https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/dnCQipnU9R — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 24, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 24, 2021 at 08:16AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/RrpljWKtZw

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/RrpljWKtZw — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 23, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 23, 2021 at 05:26PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/Q8qT3ygarw

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/Q8qT3ygarw — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 23, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 23, 2021 at 02:49PM

RT @MSKAust: More than 7 million Australians live with a condition, but for too long these people have blurred into a statistic. The time has come for change – every one of those millions is a son or daughter, a father, a mother, a grandparent, a friend, a workmate. https://t.co/2Laqpu6ziT https://t.co/Ndh7mGXOCH

More than 7 million Australians live with a condition, but for too long these people have blurred into a statistic. The time has come for change – every one of those millions is a son or daughter, a father, a mother, a grandparent, a friend, a workmate. https://t.co/2Laqpu6ziT pic.twitter.com/Ndh7mGXOCH — Musculoskeletal Australia (@MSKAust) March 19, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 23, 2021 at 12:54PM

RT @ASBMR: In a new study in #JBMR, AIH patients showed a severe age‐dependent deterioration of the cortical bone microarchitecture, which is most likely the major contribution to the observed increased fracture risk in these patients #JBMR https://t.co/IpZGRJJPQG https://t.co/fRaHQTkg7U

In a new study in #JBMR , AIH patients showed a severe age‐dependent deterioration of the cortical bone microarchitecture, which is most likely the major contribution to the observed increased fracture risk in these patients #JBMR https://t.co/IpZGRJJPQG pic.twitter.com/fRaHQTkg7U — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 23, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 23, 2021 at 11:02AM
¡Ahora 12 también en nuestros equipos médicos! Asesorate con nuestros especialistas y ¡obtené tu equipo con la mejor financiación! Comunicate al 5491141644482 o por mail a: contacto@osteomedical.com.ar #Ahora12 #Osteomedical #EquiposMédicos #Densitómetros

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1LsfrkeSUN

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1LsfrkeSUN — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 23, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 23, 2021 at 08:15AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/rmR2Cn8VQ7

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/rmR2Cn8VQ7 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 22, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 22, 2021 at 05:24PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ISCD https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/jMcEERuyfv

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ISCD https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/jMcEERuyfv — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 22, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 22, 2021 at 02:49PM

RT @iofbonehealth: Reminder: Tomorrow’s BoneCast webinar will focus on #Hypophosphatasia in adults, and the latest practice in its diagnosis, management and treatment. WHEN: March 18 at 5.00 pm CET. Sign up now! https://t.co/it6afJMPN1 https://t.co/GifsCGN12C

Reminder: Tomorrow’s BoneCast webinar will focus on #Hypophosphatasia in adults, and the latest practice in its diagnosis, management and treatment. WHEN: March 18 at 5.00 pm CET. Sign up now! https://t.co/it6afJMPN1 pic.twitter.com/GifsCGN12C — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 17, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 22, 2021 at 12:55PM
enCORE Las nuevas herramientas disponibles con el software de enCore permiten mejorar la calidad de sus pruebas clínicas y aumentar su productividad. www.osteomedical.com.ar #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medic

RT @BeamMedLTD: Omnipath™ is a unique, patented, proprietary axial transmission technology based on the measurement of the speed of ultrasonic waves propagating along the bone. It also gives consistent results rega... https://t.co/WweYerl1Vi

Omnipath™ is a unique, patented, proprietary axial transmission technology based on the measurement of the speed of ultrasonic waves propagating along the bone. It also gives consistent results rega... https://t.co/WweYerl1Vi — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) March 22, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 22, 2021 at 11:01AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/nVLN3e4eaI

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/nVLN3e4eaI — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 19, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 19, 2021 at 02:50PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/61ul2NCRah

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/61ul2NCRah — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 19, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 19, 2021 at 12:54PM
¡Ahora 12 también en nuestros equipos médicos! Asesorate con nuestros especialistas y ¡obtené tu equipo con la mejor financiación! Comunicate al 5491141644482 o por mail a: contacto@osteomedical.com.ar #Ahora12 #Osteomedical #EquiposMédicos #Densitómetros

RT @BeamMedLTD: Portable Scanner Early Osteoporosis Detection https://t.co/DdIYCpFLrB

Portable Scanner Early Osteoporosis Detection https://t.co/DdIYCpFLrB — BeamMed LTD (@BeamMedLTD) March 18, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 19, 2021 at 11:03AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de Sunligth https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/U5ZIdQOm6B

Les Compartimos una publicacion de Sunligth https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/U5ZIdQOm6B — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 19, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 19, 2021 at 08:14AM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/jdevkn4T81

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/jdevkn4T81 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 18, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 18, 2021 at 05:24PM

RT @GEHealthcare: The brand new @Vscan Air is completely wireless, secures patient data on the device rather than the cloud, and delivers crystal clear images. Care providers have said it's like having “eyes inside of the patient” and “stepping into the future.” (2/2) https://t.co/7pqaeAcRmx https://t.co/KokJbB5Rcc

The brand new @Vscan Air is completely wireless, secures patient data on the device rather than the cloud, and delivers crystal clear images. Care providers have said it's like having “eyes inside of the patient” and “stepping into the future.” (2/2) https://t.co/7pqaeAcRmx pic.twitter.com/KokJbB5Rcc — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) March 16, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 18, 2021 at 02:49PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Rio5Y4T0Xl

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Rio5Y4T0Xl — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 18, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 18, 2021 at 12:54PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de Sunligth https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/EG0vpqpP07

Les Compartimos una publicacion de Sunligth https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/EG0vpqpP07 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 18, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 18, 2021 at 11:02AM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/WpIAeKsx4v

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/WpIAeKsx4v — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 18, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 18, 2021 at 08:14AM

RT @ASBMR: ASBMR Issues Joint Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccination and Osteoporosis Management #ASBMR https://t.co/KVExq4JyeL https://t.co/0bAe7YyVsa

ASBMR Issues Joint Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccination and Osteoporosis Management #ASBMR https://t.co/KVExq4JyeL pic.twitter.com/0bAe7YyVsa — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 17, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 17, 2021 at 05:23PM

RT @ASBMR: Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Linked to Osteoporosis #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews https://t.co/kfE6r8F5OD

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Linked to Osteoporosis #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews https://t.co/kfE6r8F5OD — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 17, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 17, 2021 at 02:50PM

RT @MichalLaurent11: Regional and gender-specific analyses give new perspectives for secular trend in #hipfracture incidence ...very interesting paper @iofbonehealth @FF_Network @Osteoporosis_NL https://t.co/PDvKnpAjVl

Regional and gender-specific analyses give new perspectives for secular trend in #hipfracture incidence ...very interesting paper @iofbonehealth @FF_Network @Osteoporosis_NL https://t.co/PDvKnpAjVl — Michaël Laurent🕺🕺 (@MichalLaurent11) March 16, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 17, 2021 at 12:55PM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/yu9vCFkXJ5

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/yu9vCFkXJ5 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 17, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 17, 2021 at 11:02AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/t6lEjUBIag

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/t6lEjUBIag — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 17, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 17, 2021 at 08:19AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/uoxgRHbj1x

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/uoxgRHbj1x — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 16, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 16, 2021 at 05:26PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/MsOzeWgvp9

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/MsOzeWgvp9 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 16, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 16, 2021 at 02:52PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1c0DZ6lSel

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1c0DZ6lSel — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 16, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 16, 2021 at 12:55PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/GxUKU8fHS6

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/GxUKU8fHS6 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 16, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 16, 2021 at 11:02AM
Senographe Crystal facilita la transición a la mamografía digital de campo completo. De sencilla instalación y tamaño reducido, te permite trabajar con facilidad y rapidez. Sus funciones automatizadas, interface intuitiva y diseño ergonómico y compacto ayudan a mejorar tu rendimiento y el confort de tus pacientes. Y la excelente calidad de las imágenes te aportan la confianza clínica que necesitás en tu práctica médica. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/contacto/ #mamografo #densitometria

RT @iofbonehealth: Reminder! Join our next free webinar to learn about the pathophysiology & current practice in the diagnosis, management & treatment of #Hypophosphatasia in adults. WHEN: March 18 / 5.00 pm CET. Sign up now! #osteomalcia #raredisease https://t.co/it6afJMPN1 https://t.co/L2BSisg0E2

Reminder! Join our next free webinar to learn about the pathophysiology & current practice in the diagnosis, management & treatment of #Hypophosphatasia in adults. WHEN: March 18 / 5.00 pm CET. Sign up now! #osteomalcia #raredisease https://t.co/it6afJMPN1 pic.twitter.com/L2BSisg0E2 — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 15, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 16, 2021 at 08:15AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ISCD https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/RPvnYMIlMC

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ISCD https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/RPvnYMIlMC — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 15, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 15, 2021 at 05:24PM

RT @ASBMR: Join us tomorrow, March 16 from 2-3pm ET for the ASBMR Webinar Panel on COVID-19 Vaccination and Osteoporosis Management! Register here: https://t.co/1zh6GyL5wX #ASBMR

Join us tomorrow, March 16 from 2-3pm ET for the ASBMR Webinar Panel on COVID-19 Vaccination and Osteoporosis Management! Register here: https://t.co/1zh6GyL5wX #ASBMR — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 15, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 15, 2021 at 02:50PM

RT @ASBMR: In response to the release of several COVID-19 vaccines, the ASBMR, AACE, Endocrine Society, ECTS, IOF, and NOF released a joint guidance on COVID-19 vaccination and osteoporosis management. Learn more here: https://t.co/LgoR0Awvt5 #ASBMR

In response to the release of several COVID-19 vaccines, the ASBMR, AACE, Endocrine Society, ECTS, IOF, and NOF released a joint guidance on COVID-19 vaccination and osteoporosis management. Learn more here: https://t.co/LgoR0Awvt5 #ASBMR — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 14, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 15, 2021 at 12:55PM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/iC9sAKwPxV

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/iC9sAKwPxV — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 15, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 15, 2021 at 11:03AM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @iofbonehealth: #Review in Calcified Tissue Int: Traditional & Non-traditional Risk Factors for #Osteoporosis in #CKD, authored on behalf of EUROD workgroup, CKD-MBD working group of the ERA-EDTA https://t.co/gW2Xt8jhjh https://t.co/OsDsiOALfs

#Review in Calcified Tissue Int: Traditional & Non-traditional Risk Factors for #Osteoporosis in #CKD , authored on behalf of EUROD workgroup, CKD-MBD working group of the ERA-EDTA https://t.co/gW2Xt8jhjh pic.twitter.com/OsDsiOALfs — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 13, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 15, 2021 at 08:15AM
Osteomedical es un grupo especializado que provee equipamiento y servicio de calidad distinguidos. Con el respaldo y experiencia de la firma asesoramos y acompañamos en la mejora y renovación tecnológica permanente desde el inicio y continuando con una personalizada atención post venta. De esta manera ponemos nuestro conocimiento y prestigio a disposición de Centros Médicos, consultorios y profesionales de la salud en toda Argentina. Personalmente ó a través de diferentes medios de comunicación le acercamos las novedades y avances tecnológicos para mantenernos vinculados permanentemente con nuestros clientes. Conozcanos! www.osteomedical.com.ar

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/JkBAY0wOyQ

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/JkBAY0wOyQ — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 12, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 12, 2021 at 05:24PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: A calcium-rich diet helps to build and protect your bones. Are you getting enough? Learn about how much you need and how to get it. https://t.co/Nonx2n7aYg

A calcium-rich diet helps to build and protect your bones. Are you getting enough? Learn about how much you need and how to get it. https://t.co/Nonx2n7aYg — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) March 10, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 12, 2021 at 02:51PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: By your early 20s, bones have reached their maximum strength and density, known as peak bone mass (PBM). Those who reach higher PBM reduce their risk of osteoporosis later in life. https://t.co/lVCXP6IwDs #OsteoporosisFacts #bonehealth #peakbonemass

By your early 20s, bones have reached their maximum strength and density, known as peak bone mass (PBM). Those who reach higher PBM reduce their risk of osteoporosis later in life. https://t.co/lVCXP6IwDs #OsteoporosisFacts #bonehealth #peakbonemass — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) March 11, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 12, 2021 at 12:55PM
¡Ahora 12 también en nuestros equipos médicos! Asesorate con nuestros especialistas y ¡obtené tu equipo con la mejor financiación! Comunicate al 5491141644482 o por mail a: contacto@osteomedical.com.ar #Ahora12 #Osteomedical #EquiposMédicos #Densitómetros

RT @GEHealthcare: 365 days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes. It's been a year since the @WHO declared #COVID19 a global pandemic. @MikeyKayNYC looks back at the innovations and solutions that have made a difference, and most importantly, the heroes helping on the frontlines. https://t.co/ltHucnOdId

365 days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes. It's been a year since the @WHO declared #COVID19 a global pandemic. @MikeyKayNYC looks back at the innovations and solutions that have made a difference, and most importantly, the heroes helping on the frontlines. https://t.co/ltHucnOdId — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) March 11, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 12, 2021 at 11:02AM
¡Ahora 12 también en nuestros equipos médicos! Asesorate con nuestros especialistas y ¡obtené tu equipo con la mejor financiación! Comunicate al 5491141644482 o por mail a: contacto@osteomedical.com.ar #Ahora12 #Osteomedical #EquiposMédicos #Densitómetros

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/EljEAhLDt5

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/EljEAhLDt5 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 12, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 12, 2021 at 08:15AM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Vitamin D helps your body use #calcium. If you don't get enough vitamin D, or if your body doesn't absorb it well, you are at greater risk for #osteoporosis. Find out how much #vitaminD you need and if a supplement is right for you. Learn more: https://t.co/KasRdqjEGS https://t.co/p2gsA9CC3L

Vitamin D helps your body use #calcium . If you don't get enough vitamin D, or if your body doesn't absorb it well, you are at greater risk for #osteoporosis . Find out how much #vitaminD you need and if a supplement is right for you. Learn more: https://t.co/KasRdqjEGS pic.twitter.com/p2gsA9CC3L — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) March 11, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 11, 2021 at 05:27PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ZJ61xDgBvX

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ZJ61xDgBvX — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 11, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 11, 2021 at 02:52PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/Gc7EFQ3WdV

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVosSS https://t.co/Gc7EFQ3WdV — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 11, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 11, 2021 at 12:55PM
¡Ahora 12 también en nuestros equipos médicos! Asesorate con nuestros especialistas y ¡obtené tu equipo con la mejor financiación! Comunicate al 5491141644482 o por mail a: contacto@osteomedical.com.ar #Ahora12 #Osteomedical #EquiposMédicos #Densitómetros

RT @GEHealthcare: “Had it not been found, there was a high likelihood of her having a stroke” says Steffen. As the #Vscan family grows, Steffen looks forward to an era when the portable devices may be superior to their larger counterparts. (2/2) https://t.co/ZgMsdjU24m https://t.co/1jbCMfmlBL

“Had it not been found, there was a high likelihood of her having a stroke” says Steffen. As the #Vscan family grows, Steffen looks forward to an era when the portable devices may be superior to their larger counterparts. (2/2) https://t.co/ZgMsdjU24m pic.twitter.com/1jbCMfmlBL — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) March 10, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 11, 2021 at 11:02AM

RT @ASBMR: Osteoporosis, Fractures, and Bone Mineral Density Screening in Veterans With Kidney Stone Disease #JBMR https://t.co/MbtL9rnuOl https://t.co/BkGC13ND5e

Osteoporosis, Fractures, and Bone Mineral Density Screening in Veterans With Kidney Stone Disease #JBMR https://t.co/MbtL9rnuOl pic.twitter.com/BkGC13ND5e — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 11, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 11, 2021 at 08:15AM

RT @GEHealthcare: Steffen Mueller, a veteran product manager at @GEHealthcare knows first hand the importance of handheld ultrasound. In 2016, the @Vscan picked up a dangerous blockage of the blood vessels in his wife's artery that can cause strokes. (1/2) https://t.co/QcbW8m92CW

Steffen Mueller, a veteran product manager at @GEHealthcare knows first hand the importance of handheld ultrasound. In 2016, the @Vscan picked up a dangerous blockage of the blood vessels in his wife's artery that can cause strokes. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/QcbW8m92CW — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) March 10, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 10, 2021 at 05:24PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Slz3fLIQdh

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Slz3fLIQdh — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 10, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 10, 2021 at 02:50PM
Sunlight MiniOmni Evaluación temprana de la osteoporosis: solución óptima con Sunlight MiniOmni ™ Ofrece una solución profesional excepcionalmente asequible para la evaluación temprana de la osteoporosis. Permite un monitoreo confiable, exacto, no invasivo y seguro de la densidad ósea, con una excepcional rentabilidad. Su tamaño y peso ultra-pequeños (similar a un libro de tapa dura e incluso más livianos), su facilidad de uso intuitiva y su conveniente conectividad de puerto USB a PC y computadoras portátiles con Windows 7 y superiores lo hacen ideal para su uso en cualquier consultorio médico o médico Clínica, farmacia, centro de revisión anual u otro lugar de venta minorista.

RT @iofbonehealth: There are 206 bones in the human body and just as many reasons to subscribe to IOF’s monthly newsletter ‘The 206’! Subscribe @ https://t.co/mEesG8j8XA Missed our February issue? View it here: https://t.co/2388Z8blv0 https://t.co/msFQOZvdwg

There are 206 bones in the human body and just as many reasons to subscribe to IOF’s monthly newsletter ‘The 206’! Subscribe @ https://t.co/mEesG8j8XA Missed our February issue? View it here: https://t.co/2388Z8blv0 pic.twitter.com/msFQOZvdwg — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 10, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 10, 2021 at 11:02AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Fozv4m9J3Z

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Fozv4m9J3Z — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 9, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 09, 2021 at 05:24PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/2OBFXQFfNs

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/2OBFXQFfNs — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 9, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 09, 2021 at 02:50PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Oz8sDkBndf

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Oz8sDkBndf — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 9, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 09, 2021 at 12:57PM
La ventaja de trabajar con lo mejor General Electric #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/gWbOinAMBd

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/gWbOinAMBd — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 9, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 09, 2021 at 11:05AM

RT @GEHealthcare: She discusses her experience with the advantage of having implemented the technology in real life, providing a powerful insight into the reality of the patient-physician experience and healthcare productivity in the digital age. #Pocus #PocusPodcast 2/2

She discusses her experience with the advantage of having implemented the technology in real life, providing a powerful insight into the reality of the patient-physician experience and healthcare productivity in the digital age. #Pocus #PocusPodcast 2/2 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) March 9, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 09, 2021 at 08:15AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1OSG5BTbBz

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1OSG5BTbBz — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 8, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 08, 2021 at 05:28PM

Compartimos una publicacion de SAEM https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1LNYXIq2rC

Compartimos una publicacion de SAEM https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1LNYXIq2rC — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 8, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 08, 2021 at 02:50PM

RT @iofbonehealth: It’s International Women's Day and we urge all women to take early action to maintain their #bonehealth. Remember - strong bones help you stay mobile and independent as you age! #IWD2021 https://t.co/LmqcF3YLs0 https://t.co/6jGyKG1jRN

It’s International Women's Day and we urge all women to take early action to maintain their #bonehealth . Remember - strong bones help you stay mobile and independent as you age! #IWD2021 https://t.co/LmqcF3YLs0 pic.twitter.com/6jGyKG1jRN — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 8, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 08, 2021 at 12:55PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ghNEoQcWGq

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ghNEoQcWGq — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 8, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 08, 2021 at 11:02AM
La ventaja de trabajar con lo mejor General Electric #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @GEHealthcare: Monday is #InternationalWomensDay. Join a 24-hour virtual event focused on celebrating women’s achievements in healthcare, uniting women to share ideas, presenting innovations & research, and sharing how women #choosetochallenge different experiences around the world.

Monday is #InternationalWomensDay . Join a 24-hour virtual event focused on celebrating women’s achievements in healthcare, uniting women to share ideas, presenting innovations & research, and sharing how women #choosetochallenge different experiences around the world. — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) March 6, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 08, 2021 at 08:15AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/7y4QYOrFPa

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/7y4QYOrFPa — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 5, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 05, 2021 at 05:26PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/bY15wAc2ye

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/bY15wAc2ye — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 5, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 05, 2021 at 02:51PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/cqJ20NCs4X

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/cqJ20NCs4X — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 5, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 05, 2021 at 12:54PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/XWBw7rcgS5

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/XWBw7rcgS5 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 5, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 05, 2021 at 11:02AM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/4LQSBBBkw4

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/4LQSBBBkw4 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 5, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 05, 2021 at 08:16AM

RT @GEHealthcare: #COVID19 has led to an increase in people gaining weight. Now, imaging technology and personalized data are helping clinicians, like Dr Zazala, combat this problem through a deeper understanding of metabolic health. #WorldObesityDay

#COVID19 has led to an increase in people gaining weight. Now, imaging technology and personalized data are helping clinicians, like Dr Zazala, combat this problem through a deeper understanding of metabolic health. #WorldObesityDay — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) March 4, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 04, 2021 at 05:23PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Join us on Wed 3/17 at 1pm ET for a webinar focused on what you should know to prevent spine fractures, tips on how to manage safe movement and exercise at home to avoid crowded areas that cause a higher risk for contracting COVID-19. Register here: https://t.co/hF1kQlxl2q https://t.co/kIetNgmkiw

Join us on Wed 3/17 at 1pm ET for a webinar focused on what you should know to prevent spine fractures, tips on how to manage safe movement and exercise at home to avoid crowded areas that cause a higher risk for contracting COVID-19. Register here: https://t.co/hF1kQlxl2q pic.twitter.com/kIetNgmkiw — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) March 3, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 04, 2021 at 02:49PM

RT @ASBMR: The HIF‐PHI BAY 85–3934 (Molidustat) Improves Anemia and is Associated with Reduced Levels of Circulating FGF23 in a CKD Mouse Model #JBMR https://t.co/1QR3CGZ2oM https://t.co/xx93PtnuUn

The HIF‐PHI BAY 85–3934 (Molidustat) Improves Anemia and is Associated with Reduced Levels of Circulating FGF23 in a CKD Mouse Model #JBMR https://t.co/1QR3CGZ2oM pic.twitter.com/xx93PtnuUn — ASBMR (@ASBMR) March 3, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 04, 2021 at 12:55PM
Osteomedical es un grupo especializado que provee equipamiento y servicio de calidad distinguidos. Con el respaldo y experiencia de la firma asesoramos y acompañamos en la mejora y renovación tecnológica permanente desde el inicio y continuando con una personalizada atención post venta. De esta manera ponemos nuestro conocimiento y prestigio a disposición de Centros Médicos, consultorios y profesionales de la salud en toda Argentina. Personalmente ó a través de diferentes medios de comunicación le acercamos las novedades y avances tecnológicos para mantenernos vinculados permanentemente con nuestros clientes. Conozcanos! www.osteomedical.com.ar
Sunlight MiniOmni Evaluación temprana de la osteoporosis: solución óptima con Sunlight MiniOmni ™ Ofrece una solución profesional excepcionalmente asequible para la evaluación temprana de la osteoporosis. Permite un monitoreo confiable, exacto, no invasivo y seguro de la densidad ósea, con una excepcional rentabilidad. Su tamaño y peso ultra-pequeños (similar a un libro de tapa dura e incluso más livianos), su facilidad de uso intuitiva y su conveniente conectividad de puerto USB a PC y computadoras portátiles con Windows 7 y superiores lo hacen ideal para su uso en cualquier consultorio médico o médico Clínica, farmacia, centro de revisión anual u otro lugar de venta minorista.

RT @iofbonehealth: Review in Calcified Tissue Int: #Pregnancy and Lactation Associated #Osteoporosis. https://t.co/n7sUQzLWxx https://t.co/ABzHVZwiCL

Review in Calcified Tissue Int: #Pregnancy and Lactation Associated #Osteoporosis . https://t.co/n7sUQzLWxx pic.twitter.com/ABzHVZwiCL — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 3, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 04, 2021 at 08:17AM

RT @iofbonehealth: We’re pleased to announce that the more than 1400 abstracts presented at the WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020 have now been published as Volume 31, Suppl. 1, 2020 of Osteoporosis International. #OsteoCongress https://t.co/WxgJUPkA9B https://t.co/yV0n18WLFc

We’re pleased to announce that the more than 1400 abstracts presented at the WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2020 have now been published as Volume 31, Suppl. 1, 2020 of Osteoporosis International. #OsteoCongress https://t.co/WxgJUPkA9B pic.twitter.com/yV0n18WLFc — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 3, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 03, 2021 at 05:25PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/7xntwGHZKq

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/7xntwGHZKq — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 3, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 03, 2021 at 02:51PM
La ventaja de trabajar con lo mejor General Electric #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @iofbonehealth: Apply to hold a Non-sponsored Symposium at WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2021! A great opportunity to present your area of expertise at the world’s largest #OsteoCongress in the #musculoskeletal field - to be held from August 26-29, 2021. Application deadline: April 12 https://t.co/OqF0P0IilL https://t.co/gltnZkRdmF

Apply to hold a Non-sponsored Symposium at WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2021! A great opportunity to present your area of expertise at the world’s largest #OsteoCongress in the #musculoskeletal field - to be held from August 26-29, 2021. Application deadline: April 12 https://t.co/OqF0P0IilL pic.twitter.com/gltnZkRdmF — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 2, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 03, 2021 at 11:02AM

RT @iofbonehealth: Starting soon: the virtual #HIPGEN_H2020 3rd Annual Meeting with a welcome by Project Coordinator Prof T. Winkler followed by presentations by the project partners. IOF is proud to be a communications partner for this innovative project! Learn more @ https://t.co/xgCaVug2hT https://t.co/TImQu7hdF6

Starting soon: the virtual #HIPGEN_H2020 3rd Annual Meeting with a welcome by Project Coordinator Prof T. Winkler followed by presentations by the project partners. IOF is proud to be a communications partner for this innovative project! Learn more @ https://t.co/xgCaVug2hT pic.twitter.com/TImQu7hdF6 — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) March 1, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 03, 2021 at 08:17AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de Sunligth https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/9fP3PifizI

Les Compartimos una publicacion de Sunligth https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/9fP3PifizI — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 2, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 02, 2021 at 05:24PM

RT @SAEM_tw: Excelente presentación del Dr Litwak sobre prevención de diabetes. ICE2021 Virtual #ice2021 #fasen #DrLitwak #diabetes https://t.co/Klq4LGnqSl

Excelente presentación del Dr Litwak sobre prevención de diabetes. ICE2021 Virtual #ice2021 #fasen #DrLitwak #diabetes pic.twitter.com/Klq4LGnqSl — Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Metabolismo (@SAEM_tw) February 25, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 02, 2021 at 02:52PM

RT @EndoFASEN: #Día3 Plenary lecture 14:30 - 15 h. #CONGRESO #VIRTUAL ICE 2021 Únase en línea para actualizar sus conocimientos en todos los campos de la #endocrinología, sesiones #plenarias en vivo y #conferencias con #expertos, carteles electrónicos y #presentaciones orales https://t.co/TTrKD5i2c5

#Día3 Plenary lecture 14:30 - 15 h. #CONGRESO #VIRTUAL ICE 2021 Únase en línea para actualizar sus conocimientos en todos los campos de la #endocrinología , sesiones #plenarias en vivo y #conferencias con #expertos , carteles electrónicos y #presentaciones orales pic.twitter.com/TTrKD5i2c5 — FASEN (@EndoFASEN) February 26, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 02, 2021 at 12:56PM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Nd289Kw9RD

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Nd289Kw9RD — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) March 2, 2021 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 March 02, 2021 at 11:02AM
¡Osteomedical es proveedor autorizado de ventas y soporte TBS Insight! TBS iNsight es una aplicación de software única y fácil de usar que evalúa la textura ósea, un índice de microarquitectura ósea, que a su vez se expresa como la puntuación de hueso trabecular (TBS). La medición se realiza a la perfección utilizando imágenes DXA adquiridas a partir de un escaneo de densitometría mineral ósea (BMD). No se requiere tiempo adicional de exploración del paciente ni exposición a la radiación y los médicos los interpretan fácilmente para permitirles manejar mejor a los pacientes con alto riesgo de fracturas. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/tbs-insight/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico