
Mostrando las entradas de diciembre, 2020

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Bzwjvsx3US

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Bzwjvsx3US — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 23, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 23, 2020 at 11:01AM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @ASBMR: Make sure to renew your ASBMR membership for 2021! #ASBMR https://t.co/qPMzJsAU5P https://t.co/1sBbwOYPQN

Make sure to renew your ASBMR membership for 2021! #ASBMR https://t.co/qPMzJsAU5P pic.twitter.com/1sBbwOYPQN — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 23, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 23, 2020 at 08:13AM

RT @KieranMurphyCEO: Honoured to be named alongside these healthcare leaders who have done so much to transform our industry. Thank you to them and @modrnhealthcr. #MHMostInfluential https://t.co/dOxELYZmJJ

Honoured to be named alongside these healthcare leaders who have done so much to transform our industry. Thank you to them and @modrnhealthcr . #MHMostInfluential https://t.co/dOxELYZmJJ — Kieran Murphy (@KieranMurphyCEO) December 21, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 22, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @iofbonehealth: REMINDER! Sign up for our #CaptureTheFracture webinar on effective patient monitoring strategies for FLS. Reviews management process, evaluating future & imminent risk, monitoring patient therapy, adjusting treatment to target. WHEN: Dec 23 @ 4.00 PM CET https://t.co/xEgGxk9p5u https://t.co/PwyzcWeTZV

REMINDER! Sign up for our #CaptureTheFracture webinar on effective patient monitoring strategies for FLS. Reviews management process, evaluating future & imminent risk, monitoring patient therapy, adjusting treatment to target. WHEN: Dec 23 @ 4.00 PM CET https://t.co/xEgGxk9p5u pic.twitter.com/PwyzcWeTZV — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) December 22, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 22, 2020 at 12:54PM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: People used to think that osteoporosis was an inevitable part of aging. Today we know a lot more about how to prevent, detect, and treat the disease. #bonehealth #getthefacts #osteoporosis Learn more: https://t.co/DsrW1T9VY7

People used to think that osteoporosis was an inevitable part of aging. Today we know a lot more about how to prevent, detect, and treat the disease. #bonehealth #getthefacts #osteoporosis Learn more: https://t.co/DsrW1T9VY7 — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) December 21, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 22, 2020 at 11:01AM
¡Felices Fiestas para todos! ¡Les deseamos que pasen un excelente fin de año en Familia! ¡Próspero año nuevo! www.osteomedical.com.ar #FelizNavidad #Navidad

RT @iofbonehealth: New in #Osteoporosis Int: Osteoporosis case ascertainment strategies in European and Asian countries: a comparative review https://t.co/kW5oBuoeTk https://t.co/aZgosprO1t

New in #Osteoporosis Int: Osteoporosis case ascertainment strategies in European and Asian countries: a comparative review https://t.co/kW5oBuoeTk pic.twitter.com/aZgosprO1t — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) December 21, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 21, 2020 at 05:49PM

RT @ASBMR: The December Issue of JBMR® is Now Online #JBMR https://t.co/QA5CzFhTV9 https://t.co/QxLPiwXzfa

The December Issue of JBMR® is Now Online #JBMR https://t.co/QA5CzFhTV9 pic.twitter.com/QxLPiwXzfa — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 21, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 21, 2020 at 02:49PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Zt0b2AGDYc

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Zt0b2AGDYc — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 21, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 21, 2020 at 12:54PM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: The limitations brought on by the pandemic have brought about many new challenges, making self-care even more important this holiday season. Have you developed any creative ways to focus on yourself. Please share! https://t.co/lborqp0gcD

The limitations brought on by the pandemic have brought about many new challenges, making self-care even more important this holiday season. Have you developed any creative ways to focus on yourself. Please share! https://t.co/lborqp0gcD — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) December 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 21, 2020 at 11:01AM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @ASBMR: Renew your ASBMR Membership and Update Your Profile! #ASBMR https://t.co/qPMzJsAU5P https://t.co/zosHgoNvkx

Renew your ASBMR Membership and Update Your Profile! #ASBMR https://t.co/qPMzJsAU5P pic.twitter.com/zosHgoNvkx — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 20, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 21, 2020 at 08:14AM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @ASBMR: Higher Undercarboxylated to Total Osteocalcin Ratio Is Associated With Reduced Physical Function and Increased 15‐Year Falls‐Related Hospitalizations: The Perth Longitudinal Study of Aging Women #JBMR https://t.co/JNAyXNc4BO https://t.co/AalGDSbieF

Higher Undercarboxylated to Total Osteocalcin Ratio Is Associated With Reduced Physical Function and Increased 15‐Year Falls‐Related Hospitalizations: The Perth Longitudinal Study of Aging Women #JBMR https://t.co/JNAyXNc4BO pic.twitter.com/AalGDSbieF — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 18, 2020 at 05:23PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ns4rioodK1

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/ns4rioodK1 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 18, 2020 at 02:48PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/HOcbw6TDRo

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/HOcbw6TDRo — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 18, 2020 at 12:55PM
La ventaja de trabajar con lo mejor General Electric #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @iofbonehealth: Open Access review in Calc. Tissue Int.: Bone Fragility Fractures in CKD Patients by (overview of #epidemiology & #pathogenesis of Chronic Kidney Disease-associated bone loss) https://t.co/RiGDbFjalJ https://t.co/y62FY19JEw

Open Access review in Calc. Tissue Int.: Bone Fragility Fractures in CKD Patients by (overview of #epidemiology & #pathogenesis of Chronic Kidney Disease-associated bone loss) https://t.co/RiGDbFjalJ pic.twitter.com/y62FY19JEw — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) December 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 18, 2020 at 11:00AM
Osteomedical es un grupo especializado que provee equipamiento y servicio de calidad distinguidos. Con el respaldo y experiencia de la firma asesoramos y acompañamos en la mejora y renovación tecnológica permanente desde el inicio y continuando con una personalizada atención post venta. De esta manera ponemos nuestro conocimiento y prestigio a disposición de Centros Médicos, consultorios y profesionales de la salud en toda Argentina. Personalmente ó a través de diferentes medios de comunicación le acercamos las novedades y avances tecnológicos para mantenernos vinculados permanentemente con nuestros clientes. Conozcanos! www.osteomedical.com.ar

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/I38kcKkWTs

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/I38kcKkWTs — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 18, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 18, 2020 at 08:14AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/wwdOwaEpW0

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/wwdOwaEpW0 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 17, 2020 at 05:23PM
Sunlight MiniOmni Evaluación temprana de la osteoporosis: solución óptima con Sunlight MiniOmni ™ Ofrece una solución profesional excepcionalmente asequible para la evaluación temprana de la osteoporosis. Permite un monitoreo confiable, exacto, no invasivo y seguro de la densidad ósea, con una excepcional rentabilidad. Su tamaño y peso ultra-pequeños (similar a un libro de tapa dura e incluso más livianos), su facilidad de uso intuitiva y su conveniente conectividad de puerto USB a PC y computadoras portátiles con Windows 7 y superiores lo hacen ideal para su uso en cualquier consultorio médico o médico Clínica, farmacia, centro de revisión anual u otro lugar de venta minorista.

RT @GEHealthcare: Sometimes it’s what you don’t see that puts the care in healthcare: Jamie Ho gave up her weekend to help share MR education, helping other radiographers and ultimately, improving the patient experience. https://t.co/cxkK7HMmpm

Sometimes it’s what you don’t see that puts the care in healthcare: Jamie Ho gave up her weekend to help share MR education, helping other radiographers and ultimately, improving the patient experience. pic.twitter.com/cxkK7HMmpm — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) December 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 17, 2020 at 02:49PM

RT @ASBMR: Risk for Bone Fractures Up for Patients with Psoriatic Diseases #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews https://t.co/NM78Jy7cQ7

Risk for Bone Fractures Up for Patients with Psoriatic Diseases #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews https://t.co/NM78Jy7cQ7 — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 17, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 17, 2020 at 01:55PM

RT @iofbonehealth: Worldwide, too many people with #osteoporosis cannot easily access or afford diagnostic testing & #treatment. Today, on Universal Health Day join us in calling for improved patient access and care by signing the IOF Global Patient Charter! https://t.co/uruRSarLKf https://t.co/db1fwHLnoK

Worldwide, too many people with #osteoporosis cannot easily access or afford diagnostic testing & #treatment . Today, on Universal Health Day join us in calling for improved patient access and care by signing the IOF Global Patient Charter! https://t.co/uruRSarLKf pic.twitter.com/db1fwHLnoK — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) December 12, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 16, 2020 at 05:22PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/7RyAPXh8Py

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/7RyAPXh8Py — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 16, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 16, 2020 at 02:49PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1qc7TldXWn

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1qc7TldXWn — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 16, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 16, 2020 at 12:54PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/U9x49gJhUm

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/U9x49gJhUm — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 16, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 16, 2020 at 11:01AM

RT @GEHealthcare: If Miriam can go out of her way to help these people, we can do all we can to help make healthcare more efficient and intelligent for her. #CareYouDontSee #IntelligentlyEfficient @MassGeneralNews

If Miriam can go out of her way to help these people, we can do all we can to help make healthcare more efficient and intelligent for her. #CareYouDontSee #IntelligentlyEfficient @MassGeneralNews — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) December 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 16, 2020 at 08:14AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/OrS0vwLIo6

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/OrS0vwLIo6 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 15, 2020 at 05:23PM

RT @GEHealthcare: Sometimes it’s what you don’t see that puts the care in healthcare: @BredellaMD and her colleagues regularly practice giving crucial injections for #COVID19 patients every day. https://t.co/37Y11uG5rs

Sometimes it’s what you don’t see that puts the care in healthcare: @BredellaMD and her colleagues regularly practice giving crucial injections for #COVID19 patients every day. pic.twitter.com/37Y11uG5rs — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) December 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 15, 2020 at 02:48PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/bdG7UhlkOy

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/bdG7UhlkOy — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 15, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 15, 2020 at 12:54PM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: Have you thought about starting (or expanding) your home garden? If so, you may find some helpful tips here! https://t.co/DRnGf7oXqu 🍓🍋🥦 You can also find a list of good-for-your-bones foods on the NOF website at: https://t.co/Lxmw0wJrAJ

Have you thought about starting (or expanding) your home garden? If so, you may find some helpful tips here! https://t.co/DRnGf7oXqu 🍓🍋🥦 You can also find a list of good-for-your-bones foods on the NOF website at: https://t.co/Lxmw0wJrAJ — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) December 13, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 15, 2020 at 11:01AM

RT @ASBMR: Register Today for the Clinical Case Workshop on Denosumab Discontinuation, Tomorrow, December 15 at 2:00 PM EST #ASBMR https://t.co/sCVvibJKwc https://t.co/uY1Lpb2wOS

Register Today for the Clinical Case Workshop on Denosumab Discontinuation, Tomorrow, December 15 at 2:00 PM EST #ASBMR https://t.co/sCVvibJKwc pic.twitter.com/uY1Lpb2wOS — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 14, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 15, 2020 at 08:14AM

RT @OsteoporosisNOF: A pandemic is no time to risk falls, fractures & exposure to COVID-19 in congregate facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes! Read WIG’s letter by Maine Senator Stacey Guerin to the Senate Special Committee on Aging. https://t.co/NdUWQPVsU4 @SenatorCollins https://t.co/WRCvHVaJgX

A pandemic is no time to risk falls, fractures & exposure to COVID-19 in congregate facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes! Read WIG’s letter by Maine Senator Stacey Guerin to the Senate Special Committee on Aging. https://t.co/NdUWQPVsU4 @SenatorCollins https://t.co/WRCvHVaJgX — National Osteoporosis Foundation (@OsteoporosisNOF) December 14, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 14, 2020 at 05:24PM

RT @iofbonehealth: Sign up for our next free BoneCast webinar! Prof. Kate Ward & Dr Celia Gregson will review the increasing evidence dispelling the outdated myth that fragility fractures are not a problem in Sub Saharan #Africa. WHEN December 15, 05:00 PM (CET) https://t.co/TZLqBqSwpG https://t.co/SlYR2meVHA

Sign up for our next free BoneCast webinar! Prof. Kate Ward & Dr Celia Gregson will review the increasing evidence dispelling the outdated myth that fragility fractures are not a problem in Sub Saharan #Africa . WHEN December 15, 05:00 PM (CET) https://t.co/TZLqBqSwpG pic.twitter.com/SlYR2meVHA — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) December 11, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 14, 2020 at 02:50PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/SgT4gOn5gR

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/SgT4gOn5gR — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 14, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 14, 2020 at 11:01AM

RT @iofbonehealth: Following CSA elections in November, we’re pleased to welcome new member Dr Elizabeth Curtis of the @MRC_LEU London (& 21 re-elected members) to our prestigious scientific committee with 163 leading experts in musculoskeletal research. https://t.co/pKRYB0r0PM https://t.co/qVy2SR50ZO

Following CSA elections in November, we’re pleased to welcome new member Dr Elizabeth Curtis of the @MRC_LEU London (& 21 re-elected members) to our prestigious scientific committee with 163 leading experts in musculoskeletal research. https://t.co/pKRYB0r0PM pic.twitter.com/qVy2SR50ZO — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) December 8, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 11, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @GEHealthcare: If Melissa can go out of her way to help these people, we can do all we can to help make healthcare more efficient and intelligent for her. #CareYouDontSee #IntelligentlyEfficient

If Melissa can go out of her way to help these people, we can do all we can to help make healthcare more efficient and intelligent for her. #CareYouDontSee #IntelligentlyEfficient — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) December 11, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 11, 2020 at 12:54PM

Tecnología en Densitometría 3D https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/XricsuHNw1

Tecnología en Densitometría 3D https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/XricsuHNw1 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 11, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 11, 2020 at 11:02AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/6SEwc17oaJ

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/6SEwc17oaJ — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 11, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 11, 2020 at 08:13AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/CQ1X4qhwQh

Les Compartimos una publicacion de ASBMR https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/CQ1X4qhwQh — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 10, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/rBCB9eOGBH

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/rBCB9eOGBH — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 10, 2020 at 02:49PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/rmFFrk3Wos

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/rmFFrk3Wos — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 10, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 10, 2020 at 12:53PM

RT @iofbonehealth: Reminder: join our webinar with K Ward & C Gregson on ‘Fragility Fractures in Sub-Saharan #Africa: the Knowns & Unknowns’. Will review demographic shifts in the region, implications for bone health, emerging studies, and more! WHEN Dec. 15, 05:00 PM (CET) https://t.co/TZLqBqSwpG https://t.co/DrmWEQBkQZ

Reminder: join our webinar with K Ward & C Gregson on ‘Fragility Fractures in Sub-Saharan #Africa : the Knowns & Unknowns’. Will review demographic shifts in the region, implications for bone health, emerging studies, and more! WHEN Dec. 15, 05:00 PM (CET) https://t.co/TZLqBqSwpG pic.twitter.com/DrmWEQBkQZ — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) December 9, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 10, 2020 at 08:13AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/GAH3rE0UZd

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/GAH3rE0UZd — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 9, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 09, 2020 at 05:22PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/XfO0c8PUn7

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/XfO0c8PUn7 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 9, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 09, 2020 at 03:13PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/7nH4r6WaXG

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/7nH4r6WaXG — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 9, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 09, 2020 at 12:53PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de Sunligth https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/MyAv0U4Y5x

Les Compartimos una publicacion de Sunligth https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/MyAv0U4Y5x — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 9, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 09, 2020 at 11:00AM

RT @GEHealthcare: In March 2020, the @DHSCgovUK approached GE Healthcare with an urgent request for patient monitors. In the months that followed, 5,175 monitors were produced to help care for #COVID19 patients, a figure that would usually take four years to reach.

In March 2020, the @DHSCgovUK approached GE Healthcare with an urgent request for patient monitors. In the months that followed, 5,175 monitors were produced to help care for #COVID19 patients, a figure that would usually take four years to reach. — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) December 8, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 09, 2020 at 08:13AM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/XSsMOERplT

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/XSsMOERplT — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 8, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 08, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @iofbonehealth: Great work! We would be delighted to welcome a future FLS @ Uni Malaya Medical Centre to the IOF #CaptureTheFracture program - Our Global Map of Best Practice now includes 3 Malaysian FLS - let’s make it 4! Application here: https://t.co/ajo6mOCDTE https://t.co/Rl3hlC43Tk

Great work! We would be delighted to welcome a future FLS @ Uni Malaya Medical Centre to the IOF #CaptureTheFracture program - Our Global Map of Best Practice now includes 3 Malaysian FLS - let’s make it 4! Application here: https://t.co/ajo6mOCDTE https://t.co/Rl3hlC43Tk — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) December 8, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 08, 2020 at 12:53PM

RT @ASBMR: Submit questions in advance for the information session with NIAMS Program Director Dr. Marie Mancini to learn more about the new NIAMS Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project R01 Grant Program on Wednesday, December 9, at 12:00 PM EST! https://t.co/aKoSTGZkGW https://t.co/ijOv8A5AS9

Submit questions in advance for the information session with NIAMS Program Director Dr. Marie Mancini to learn more about the new NIAMS Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project R01 Grant Program on Wednesday, December 9, at 12:00 PM EST! https://t.co/aKoSTGZkGW pic.twitter.com/ijOv8A5AS9 — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 08, 2020 at 11:02AM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/kPd0WoHek8

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/kPd0WoHek8 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 8, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 08, 2020 at 08:14AM

RT @ASBMR: New in #JBMR: Glutamine metabolism in osteoprogenitors is required for #bone mass accrual and PTH‐induced #bone anabolism in male mice #JBMR https://t.co/x9pdiAqTwL https://t.co/nvs11j0v9l

New in #JBMR : Glutamine metabolism in osteoprogenitors is required for #bone mass accrual and PTH‐induced #bone anabolism in male mice #JBMR https://t.co/x9pdiAqTwL pic.twitter.com/nvs11j0v9l — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 07, 2020 at 05:24PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/5eAxVjQyV4

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/5eAxVjQyV4 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 07, 2020 at 02:48PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/HGRTt0NGTd

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/HGRTt0NGTd — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 07, 2020 at 12:53PM

RT @ASBMR: Romosozumab Linked to 'Substantial Gains' in Hip, Lumbar Spine Bone Mineral Density #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews https://t.co/iBMEXX6jJd

Romosozumab Linked to 'Substantial Gains' in Hip, Lumbar Spine Bone Mineral Density #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews https://t.co/iBMEXX6jJd — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 5, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 07, 2020 at 11:00AM

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Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/FS6EyeY3po — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 7, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 07, 2020 at 08:13AM

Nuevos Monitores LG Electronics - Integralmed S.A

Alta resolución en Imágenes es LG Hola, OM Blog , ahora LG es el líder en imágenes de alta resolución para equipamiento medico. Conocelos en: https://integralmed.com.ar/productos/monitores-clinicos-lg/ Un saludo! Nicolás Garat Enviado a: osteomedicalweb.densitometro@blogger.com Cancelar suscripción Osteomedical, Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 1120, Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 1120, 1107 Puerto Madero, Argentina

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Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/0tBVvkE6fy — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 4, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 04, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @iofbonehealth: This important Lancet study also finds that almost 1 billion people live with the consequences of injuries, and of these, bone #fractures represent the greatest need for #rehabilitation, accounting for 436 million people! https://t.co/UFxTsO829u https://t.co/UglayhwoKB

This important Lancet study also finds that almost 1 billion people live with the consequences of injuries, and of these, bone #fractures represent the greatest need for #rehabilitation , accounting for 436 million people! https://t.co/UFxTsO829u https://t.co/UglayhwoKB — Osteoporosis IOF (@iofbonehealth) December 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 04, 2020 at 12:53PM
LUNAR PRODIGY ELEGIDO POR TODO EL MUNDO Este sistema ofrece con una precisión excepcional y bajas dosis de radiación. Usted puede depender de Prodigy para proporcionar datos precisos sobre la composición de los tejidos blandos y hueso, incluyendo la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), la masa lean- y la grasa de los tejidos, y el porcentaje de grasa. Al mismo tiempo, Prodigy agiliza su atención médica y la práctica flujo de trabajo paciente https://www.osteomedical.com.ar

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Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/qIWg0G4ZcM — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 4, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 04, 2020 at 11:00AM
La ventaja de trabajar con lo mejor General Electric #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/RnCNpVpBP7

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/RnCNpVpBP7 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 4, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 04, 2020 at 08:13AM

RT @GEHealthcare: A view from @KieranMurphyCEO on how #COVID19 has expedited the development of AI, digital and imaging solutions to help shape the future of healthcare. #RSNA20

A view from @KieranMurphyCEO on how #COVID19 has expedited the development of AI, digital and imaging solutions to help shape the future of healthcare. #RSNA20 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) December 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 03, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Lp39P5Dq7D

Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/Lp39P5Dq7D — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 03, 2020 at 02:50PM

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/UvdPMQupR4

Compartimos una publicación de GE https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/UvdPMQupR4 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 3, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 03, 2020 at 12:53PM
¡Feliz día del Trabajador para todos! www.osteomedical.com.ar #1deMayo #DíaDelTrabajador #Osteomedical
¡Desde Osteomedical, les deseamos un muy feliz día a todos los Médicos! Esperamos que tengan un excelente día y les agradecemos por confiar en nuestra labor, de parte de todos los que hacemos Osteomedical. #3deDiciembre #Osteomedical #TecnologíaEnSalud
La ventaja de trabajar con lo mejor General Electric #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @ASBMR: Renal Phosphate Handling: Independent Effects of Circulating FGF23, PTH, and Calcium #JBMRPlus #openaccess #freetoread https://t.co/jvAeG6jJW7 https://t.co/fvshC7pUAE

Renal Phosphate Handling: Independent Effects of Circulating FGF23, PTH, and Calcium #JBMRPlus #openaccess #freetoread https://t.co/jvAeG6jJW7 pic.twitter.com/fvshC7pUAE — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 03, 2020 at 11:01AM
¡Desde Osteomedical, les deseamos un muy feliz día a todos los Médicos! Esperamos que tengan un excelente día y les agradecemos por confiar en nuestra labor, de parte de todos los que hacemos Osteomedical. #3deDiciembre #Osteomedical #TecnologíaEnSalud
¡Desde Osteomedical, les deseamos un muy feliz día a todos los Médicos! Esperamos que tengan un excelente día y les agradecemos por confiar en nuestra labor, de parte de todos los que hacemos Osteomedical. #3deDiciembre #Osteomedical #TecnologíaEnSalud
La ventaja de trabajar con lo mejor General Electric #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @GEHealthcare: In the year of COVID-19, where do you see the biggest need for greater efficiency? #RSNA20

In the year of COVID-19, where do you see the biggest need for greater efficiency? #RSNA20 — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) December 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 02, 2020 at 05:22PM

RT @GEHealthcare: What’s your favorite thing about this year’s virtual #RSNA20?

What’s your favorite thing about this year’s virtual #RSNA20 ? — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) December 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 02, 2020 at 02:48PM

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Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/TgYvxtQFTF — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 2, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 02, 2020 at 12:53PM
3D-SHAPER software de análisis de Fémur proximal en 3D a partir de una exploración de absorciometría de rayos X (DXA) de energía dual 2D estándar. Proporciona a los médicos una evaluación separada del hueso trabecular y cortical. https://www.osteomedical.com.ar/3d-shaper/ #densitometria #serviciotecnico #osteomedical #bonedensitometry #huesos #osteo #equipamiento #medico

RT @ASBMR: Osteoporosis Drugs Don't Worsen COVID-19 Risk, May Help #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews #ASBMR https://t.co/E45JVgIcQD

Osteoporosis Drugs Don't Worsen COVID-19 Risk, May Help #ASBMR #BoneScienceNews #ASBMR https://t.co/E45JVgIcQD — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 02, 2020 at 11:00AM
Conoce nuestro densitómetro Lunar DPX NT de GE Healthcare. www.osteomedical.com.ar

RT @ASBMR: Register for the ASBMR Information Session on the new NIAMS Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant Program, Wednesday, December 9 at 12:00 PM EST #ASBMR https://t.co/3RdRo7FfZH https://t.co/U6Cm766Hgu

Register for the ASBMR Information Session on the new NIAMS Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant Program, Wednesday, December 9 at 12:00 PM EST #ASBMR https://t.co/3RdRo7FfZH pic.twitter.com/U6Cm766Hgu — ASBMR (@ASBMR) December 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 02, 2020 at 08:14AM

RT @GEHealthcare: Much innovation has occurred since the 1950s to make ultrasound what it is today – a very powerful diagnostic tool. What’s next for the future of ultrasound? #RSNA2020 #ultrasound

Much innovation has occurred since the 1950s to make ultrasound what it is today – a very powerful diagnostic tool. What’s next for the future of ultrasound? #RSNA2020 #ultrasound — GE Healthcare (@GEHealthcare) December 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 01, 2020 at 05:22PM

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1E07Aij138

Les Compartimos una publicacion de IOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/1E07Aij138 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 01, 2020 at 02:48PM

RT @RoyalOsteoSoc: This morning we launched our new Research Roadmap – a scientific paper that maps a course towards a cure for #osteoporosis by highlighting our priority areas for #research. Read more about this historic moment: https://t.co/SulAso8GwG #BoneHealth #ResearchRoadmap https://t.co/OVDWA3NyCb

This morning we launched our new Research Roadmap – a scientific paper that maps a course towards a cure for #osteoporosis by highlighting our priority areas for #research . Read more about this historic moment: https://t.co/SulAso8GwG #BoneHealth #ResearchRoadmap pic.twitter.com/OVDWA3NyCb — Royal Osteoporosis Society (@RoyalOsteoSoc) December 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 01, 2020 at 12:53PM
Osteomedical es un grupo especializado que provee equipamiento y servicio de calidad distinguidos. Con el respaldo y experiencia de la firma asesoramos y acompañamos en la mejora y renovación tecnológica permanente desde el inicio y continuando con una personalizada atención post venta. De esta manera ponemos nuestro conocimiento y prestigio a disposición de Centros Médicos, consultorios y profesionales de la salud en toda Argentina. Personalmente ó a través de diferentes medios de comunicación le acercamos las novedades y avances tecnológicos para mantenernos vinculados permanentemente con nuestros clientes. Conozcanos! www.osteomedical.com.ar

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Les Compartimos una publicacion de NOF https://t.co/Q4fbZVG4hs https://t.co/05vqhETyh5 — Gaston Ramirez (@GastonR48222321) December 1, 2020 from Twitter https://twitter.com/GastonR48222321 December 01, 2020 at 11:18AM
Sunlight MiniOmni Evaluación temprana de la osteoporosis: solución óptima con Sunlight MiniOmni ™ Ofrece una solución profesional excepcionalmente asequible para la evaluación temprana de la osteoporosis. Permite un monitoreo confiable, exacto, no invasivo y seguro de la densidad ósea, con una excepcional rentabilidad. Su tamaño y peso ultra-pequeños (similar a un libro de tapa dura e incluso más livianos), su facilidad de uso intuitiva y su conveniente conectividad de puerto USB a PC y computadoras portátiles con Windows 7 y superiores lo hacen ideal para su uso en cualquier consultorio médico o médico Clínica, farmacia, centro de revisión anual u otro lugar de venta minorista.