Durante el mes de octubre se conmemora mundialmente, por iniciativa de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el mes de la Lucha contra el Cáncer de Mama. El objetivo es crear conciencia y promover que cada vez más mujeres accedan a controles, diagnósticos y tratamientos oportunos y efectivos.


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RT @The_JBMR: Authors from @TwinsUKres suggest that Proton pump inhibitors use may influence total hip BMD, both directly and indirectly, via plasma metabolites involved in the sex hormone pathway @YasrabRaza @ruthcbowyer @kerrin_small @DrClaireSteves @MarioFalchi https://t.co/hHvSzCIv7y https://t.co/bHA8gNuGzZ

RT @iofbonehealth: IOF and ESCEO have announced that WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2022 has been transitioned to a fully virtual format, held from March 24-26, 2022. Including many ‘live’ virtual sessions with Q&A, the program will be available on-demand for 3 months post-congress. https://t.co/nBsqR4z9wz https://t.co/giROkJxixr